Sermons (Page 7)

To see as God sees

Deutsch Français Russian Deutsch Audio Français Audio Russian Audio Introduction Albu van Eeden What wonderful grace to welcome you this morning. There is much evil that enters the world through the internet and social media. How wonderful that this very thing makes it possible to have fellowship with people across the ;

Let the holy still be holy

Deutsch Français Russian Deutsch Audio Français Audio Russian Audio Engagement of Jan Gideon Redelinghuis and Louise Pretorius Introduction Nico Bosman It is wonderful that we can meet in God’s house and hear His word. If anyone is here for the first time, we trust it will not be the last time. Today…


Deutsch Français Russian Deutsch Audio Français Audio Russian Audio Engagement service of Jean-Pierre Geldenhuys & Laura Asnicar Introduction Bruno Hlongwane We thank the Lord for this opportunity to meet in His house. We welcome those who have joined us for the first time, as well as those who are often here. We…