Ngathola Ivangeli

Ngathola Ivangeli

  I would like to describe how Kwasizabantu Mission has helped me. When I came to KwaSizabantu I was poor and troubled. Here I got to know the Lord. I received money to build a house for my children and I could afford to pay for my children’s education. One of my children is at…

Bangiphathe Kahle

Bangiphathe Kahle

  When I came to the mission I was hurt emotionally and received help. They taught me about Jesus and my life changed and became good. They cared for me well – I did not have blankets to sleep with, and they provided for me. I had no food, and they gave me food to…

Le chemin étroit qui mène à la vie

Le chemin étroit qui mène à la vie

Je m’appelle Colette Thyrant, j’ai trois enfants et j’habite en France. Je remercie le Révérend Erlo Stegen d’être venu en France pour nous annoncer l’Evangile de Jésus-Christ. L’Amour n’a pas de frontières. Erlo Stegen est un vrai serviteur de Dieu, il le démontre par sa vie, par l’amour du prochain. J’ai eu la grâce de…