Sermons on disbelief

Lord, save me!

Traduction Française     Deutsche Übersetzung     View on live streaming Introduction and report on European visit, Dietmar Joosten We experienced God in a different way. Many people have gone through great depths but God is showing people their sins in a new way. God seeks out those who are despised and He works through them. The people…

Noah, blameless in his generation

Deutsche Übersetzung    Traduction Française     View Service on live streaming Introduction Michael Ngubane Letter from Rev Erlo Stegen to the KwaSizabantu congregations in South Africa, Australia and Europe was read. Dietmar Joosten Genesis 6:1-9 When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God…

God so Loved the World

Deutsche Übersetzung    Traduction Française Report on Easter Conference, Romania, Detlef Stegen We were invited for the Easter Conference in Voiteg, Rumania. Thank you for your prayers. About 40 people visited the Voiteg Mission for the first time. They were Christians with a hunger and zeal to seek and find a life with Christ. People…