The Holy Spirit dwells in a cleansed life

Introduction Blessing Sincuba
We greet the brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank the Lord for this opportunity to be together and we welcome everyone as well as those who have joined us via livestream and other means.

Dietmar Joosten
The group that visited India will report back and share what God has done.

Brigitte Joosten
It was such a privilege for me to be part of the team. When I left, I wondered what I could do in India. I can only say that the Indian brethren won my heart, even their food won my heart. The brethren are thirsty and hungry for the truth.

The Indian nation lives in bondage and darkness. They worship thousands of gods. One day a lady was brought to Stella and myself to greet. When we saw her, we realised that this lady was in bondage. She was forced into marriage, and she had to accept and believe that she was worth nothing and was useless. Their gods tell them that they are worth nothing and they can’t do anything. We told her about our Saviour and the Lord Jesus Christ and that He created her and has a purpose for her life. At the end of our stay, there was a call, and she stood up and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour.

I couldn’t stop thinking about what we have in South Africa. I thought of Rev Stegen and what he went through for revival. I thought of all of us. Rev Stegen went ahead and prepared the way for us and we can enjoy the daily blessings, which we do not lack. What a responsibility don’t we have. May the Lord help us not to take things for granted and forget about souls who are going lost because we are busy with ourselves.

On the day we left, as we drove out, the congregation lined both sides of the road and waved us goodbye. Tears came to my eyes. I couldn’t stop thinking of the times when Rev Stegen left with the team and we greeted them and as they returned, we welcomed them back. It is my cry and prayer that we do not lose that which the Lord has given us.

Pray for the people in India. They seek revival and are very sincere. Part of my heart stayed there. I want to thank the mission leadership for the privilege of being part of this team.

Stella Hlongwane
It was a privilege to be part of the team. It was a time of grace, and I did not deserve to go. I saw the Lord Jesus and it was a wonderful opportunity to testify about His great works.

I was reminded once again regarding that which God has done for me. The people of India are bound. I thought I understood what it was like to be bound in ancestral worship, but they are even more so. One could feel the evil around you wherever you went. You had to always say: In the Name of the Lord Jesus. I had to say it all the time.

There is such a huge difference between someone who has not lived a life of ancestral worship and someone who has been set free from that life. We had been doing it, but I was reminded again that God’s words says, ‘pray without ceasing’. We were truly in Satan’s camp.

The people we visited were those who have been called to preach the Gospel, people with love and who are dedicated. It was clear though that among them something was lacking. In the beginning, after the preaching, it was difficult for them to cleanse their lives. We had to encourage them saying that if they wanted communion with God their lives must be right with Him. There were people who said that they had confessed their sins to God but when they prayed one realised they were praying as desperate people. They cried in desperation, but they did not get through to God. We taught them how to break through to God. We read Isaiah 59:1. God in His goodness and through the prayers from the brethren here, the Lord worked and opened their eyes. When some came, they realised what sin was. Others came but they were blinded and did not know how to do it. Others wanted to but they were afraid. Then we would take them through their lives from their youth up until the present. This may sound easy but for someone who is steeped in idol worship it is very difficult. Some reached the point where they could open their mouths but not verbalise their sin. We beseeched them and prayed with them and finally they could speak it. Then I would encourage them to pray and say, ‘In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ When they prayed and said this, we would both cry because we realised that the person was victorious and had overcome. There was a spark in the eyes and their faces changed in front of you.

We thank God that has given us this Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ which helps a person overcome Satan. I trust that we have not lost sight of the power of that name and that we do not just say it as a tradition. There is no salvation other than through the Cross.

On two nights I was awakened between 1 and 2 in the morning. As I awoke, I realised the battle was in the room. I knelt and cried out, ‘In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, grant us victory.’ On the following day, I realised that Satan was furious because of the things that took place.

I was thankful to go with a team who serves the Lord Jesus and whose prayers are heard by Him. It is my prayer if you preach the Gospel and live for the Lord that you will do so with all your heart. When you say ‘Jesus Christ’ it is because you are truly in contact with Him. Satan will tell you as he told Sceva’s sons, ‘Jesus I know, Paul I know, but who are you?’

We have learnt to purify our lives. This is not a KSB tradition. It is from God.

The people there are one in God. They remain faithful to what the Lord has given and revealed to them. They serve each other and we were amazed at the way in which they treated and served us. They said that some of the things they learnt at Rev Stegen’s home from Naomi and her sisters. They send special greetings to them.

The people who do not know the Lord Jesus, the Hindus, do it with all their hearts because they believe it is the way. Those who worship the monkeys do it with all their hearts. There was a giant idol with the face of a monkey. When you enter a shop, a giant idol with a nose like an elephant greets you. As you enter, you pray and say, ‘In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ If you shop for food, there is another idol. You pray there as well, ‘The Lord Jesus Christ in me is greater than the one I see here.’ As you travel on the road, there are idols all over.

There are Brahman cows in the cities. If you touch the animal in an unworthy way, you go to jail. The cows are called mothers. If you slaughter one of them, you will go to jail. They don’t milk the cows. They don’t eat meat. They get their milk from buffaloes. If you travel by car and a cow is in the road, you wait for it to move, you can’t make it move. If you are selling cabbages and the cow eats your cabbage, it is regarded as a blessing. You cannot enter your house if ‘the mother’ hasn’t first entered. They lead the cow into the home and if it doesn’t urinate in the home they will not enter. Thereafter they are happy because their home is blessed, and they move in. They believe it with all their hearts. It is the state religion.

Why have I related all this? I am not trying to depict how evil they are, no, to show you how they do things with all their hearts. If we say we have the Lord Jesus in our hearts, the One who died and rose again, what do we do? We know we have the right thing which is better. How do we treat each other and serve Him?

They respect their leaders. They work together with their leaders. They acknowledge them and each has their place. When their great leader came, Baba Dube knelt before him, and I knelt behind him and even Dietmar did the same when he greeted him.

There is so much we saw. We saw God at work, and we thank you for your prayers. With humility, I ask that each person who has an opportunity to share the word, please do it. India has a population of 1,6 billion. It is the most populous country in world. India and China make up half the earth’s population.

Where we were is just a drop in the great ocean. There is so much work to be done before Jesus returns. May we live for the Lord where we are and do what the Lord wants us to do. If another brother or sister helps you, humble yourself. Humility is something you learn. Come down from the tree.

Dietmar Joosten
I can only say to the Zulu people, you have a great responsibility. God visited you. God is using the Zulu people. Don’t say you are nothing, you are not gifted. You heard what Mrs Hlongwane said that God uses His people. Open your hearts.

When you visit a foreign country, you see the darkness, but on the other hand, you see the spark of God’s fire starting. Thomas was the disciple who went to India from Jerusalem. Why? What was God’s plan that this disciple who was called the doubting one, forsook everything (don’t ever despise a person), and went to this foreign country where he was later murdered.

There are many missionaries such as William Carey and others who sowed the seed in India. They denied themselves. What are we doing? Reach out to others. Do it right here. How do you do this? Ask yourself the question when you get up in the morning, ‘What is my calling today?’ Are you busy with that?

This is the story of how their leader met with Rev Stegen. The man came to KSB and Rev Stegen was not here that day but when he heard the pastor was here, he asked him to wait because He was flying in. In 2011 Rev Stegen went to the place we visited in India. Never complain of the heat in this auditorium, India is 45 degrees. When you have finished preaching or interpreting your whole body is wet. Our brother, Kjell Olsen, passed away at that church. It could be that his blood had to be spilt to reach these people. So, Mrs Olsen, one day when God shows you the reason in everything, you may realise that the tears you shed were not for nothing. It could be that the seed sown by the missionaries over all the years is germinating and growing now.

This Indian minister has a vision and when you listen to him it is as if you are listening to Rev Stegen. He has a vision to build a church for 10 million people. It is not a building as you imagine, it is just a tent or netting, and the people sit on the ground in the fields for hours on end. Here people fall asleep on the benches.

Finally, in the last few years many have turned their backs on Rev Stegen and this Gospel which Christ revealed to him. Many things were said about the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In many places it was torn down, and much was said. But here is a nation about whom one can ask, who are they? They grow in your heart. I never thought that they were such beautiful people inside. They accept this Gospel. They seek, cry and confess their sins. This is exactly what they are looking for.

May God be merciful to us. Go on your knees and speak to Christ. Call to Him. Stop in your tracks and say, ‘Lord, what are you saying to me?’ We need people. How many feel a calling? Will you pass me by? Do You not want me in Your work? If someone asks you to preach, you say it is too difficult? There is a lot of work outside. How many of our young people feel a calling? We sit here, we have grown up here and we are busy with ourselves. Who says, ‘Lord, what about me? Will you pass me by?’

Jabulani Dube
It was wonderful in India. I didn’t want to return home. It is wonderful to preach the Gospel and see God glorifying Himself and working. We were asked to take all the services, and we said we would but we asked them to also take some of them. They said that they wanted us to teach them. This minister who came to the mission said that Rev Stegen had taught them. We saw ourselves as insignificant and unworthy to teach them but miraculously, as we continued, we saw how God touched them.

Many do not understand English and even in counselling they had to trust their minister and share their innermost secrets in his presence, and he translated. Maybe you don’t want anybody who is familiar with you to know your sins. Professional people like doctors came to me for counselling. It was amazing to see these professionals with high positions confessing their sins in humility.

I asked one of the people how one says, ‘We praise God’. Eventually that was how we greeted each other.

It is wonderful to have gone with the team of people who can humble themselves. I don’t marvel that God can use them.

Today is Pentecost Sunday. The people who led the singing today sang the song we sang when we strived for the Holy Spirit. ‘Lord, look how dry your church is, pour out your Spirit.’ But after we received the Holy Spirit, we no longer sang that song. Why should we sing it after having received Him? While they sang, I prayed and asked the Lord whether I should sing this song now and the answer was, ‘Yes, sing it that others may receive the Spirit too.’

In a similar way, at a funeral some sing a song that says we have overcome death, but such a song is like rubbing salt in the wounds of the bereaved because they can feel death. Rev Stegen would always say that we should be careful what we sing. Once as we travelled back from Malelane, someone began singing, ‘Lord, you are returning soon to fetch us…’ The rest of us remained silent. We explained why. Such a song implies that the Lord will fetch us before we reach KSB. No, we wanted to reach KSB. When you sing, pay heed to what you sing. It should be appropriate. Also, when you pray. May it truly be as was sung: ‘Lord, come and visit us as we read Your Word.’

When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:1–4

14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them: “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words. 15 For these people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. 16 But this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel: 17 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; 18 even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy. 14–18

When they received the Holy Spirit, some people said they were intoxicated. When we received the Holy Spirit at Maphumulo, some opposed it and even forsook us. They said that it was not the Holy Spirit but some spirit of fortune telling.

It is important to receive the Holy Spirit. That is what Jesus desires for you. If you have received him, is he still there? What gifts have you received? We could ask each one, what gift did you receive when you received the Holy Spirit? When we received the Holy Spirit, the evidence thereof was clear.

11 Cast me not away from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Psalm 51:11

Concerning this message – there are two groups: those who have received the Holy Spirit and those who haven’t. Then there are those who must strive. The Lord Jesus said, ‘Oh, how I am distressed that the fire of the Holy Spirit would already be kindled.’ It is important that we strive to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. This is what Jesus desires. If you have received Him, is He still there? What gifts have you received? You may not even have told your counsellor what you have received. I would like you chew the cud – consider it and meditate on it. If you have not received the Holy Spirit, you can receive Him through someone preaching, that when you come out of a service, you say what happened to you while you were listening.

Somebody heard Baba Ngubane speak about the Holy Spirit. ‘Who or what is the Holy Spirit?’ he asked. I told the person to ask his father because he had grown up and was ignorant of the Holy Spirit. It is a mystery. If you speak about the Holy Spirit, you speak about someone who is profound. It is a deep subject.

A person may say that he has received the Holy Spirit when he was baptised with water. No, that is a different baptism. Another one may say that while he was counselling, he received the Holy Spirit. I would ask, how? People deceive themselves in so many ways.

I will ask for a picture to be displayed on the screens of someone who has not yet chosen Jesus in their lives. (Picture on screen) That is a picture of an unrepentant person. In 1964/5 this was my experience. I was still a school child when I had a dream where all these vile animals came out of my mouth. I heard their noises. In the morning, I shared my dream with Rev Stegen. (As a child of God, share your dreams with your counsellor.) Rev Stegen said that the animals I saw leaving my mouth represented all the demons that lived within. They had come out then.

The frog represents stubbornness. Try to get a frog out of a house or building, it always comes back. Frogs also represent the love of money and greed. In the Bible it says that the sin of stubbornness is as the sin of witchcraft. Somebody may speak to you, and you oppose what that person says. You deny it. You have the spirit of the frog in you.

The pig represents drunkenness - that kind of lifestyle. Before I got converted, I ate two full plates at a meal, and I even wanted a third plate. I didn’t realise that I had the spirit of a glutton within. I was a glutton. You get people who want more and more. That is the spirit of a glutton.

The peacock represents the spirit of arrogance, pride and immorality. Rev Stegen often said that if a person allows pride in their lives, lust and arrogance accompany it. When we strove to receive the Holy Spirit, we confessed our sins like this: I have the demon of anger and stubbornness. These had to come out.

The leopard represents anger and violence. If you get angry, that animal is still within. Where a person has a dark, hard and bitter heart and he is angry in the morning when he gets up, he does not want to speak to anyone, he is filled with anger.

The snake represents lies. If you say you’re a child of God but you still speak untruths, you have the spirit of the snake within.

The goat represents immorality.

When you want to be baptised, you need to go for prayer that these animals will leave you. He cannot enter if any of these animals are still in you. If you are stubborn and you do not want your parents to tell you anything, you have the spirit of the frog and the leopard.

The tortoise is slothful and lazy. If you don’t want to work and you are lazy, the spirit of the tortoise rules within. You don’t want to read your Bible or pray, and everything is just too difficult. That is the spirit of the tortoise.

Look at this picture now. God’s word penetrates the heart. When the Holy Spirit comes, He will convict us of all these things. Some of the animals starting to leave but they are not completely out yet. It is not so clear yet. Some things remain.

Look at this picture now. This is a converted person. He loves to go to the service. He has a clean spirit and heart. He looks beautiful. It is clear when you meet such a person, whether they sing or speak, that their life is transformed. He is a child of God now. The blood of Jesus has done its work. The cross is in his heart and life. He wants to live for the Lord and serve Him. He reads the Bible. He wants to follow the Lord. Satan and his demons lurk outside, ready to return. Let’s read what happens when these demons return.

24 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and finding none it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ 25 And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order. 26 Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last state of that person is worse than the first.” Luke 11:24 – 26

When you have been saved, Satan and his demons want to return to your heart and settle. When they left, they didn’t do so willingly. A person may know someone is a child of God, but when those evil spirits return to his life, it is worse than before. You can be confused as to how the person changed so quickly, well, he allowed that evil spirit to return and now he is doing worse things than before, things that are not even done by heathens. You may even say it of a preacher who has allowed that evil spirit to return. Seven spirits who are more wicked will be fetched. That person’s state will be worse than before.

Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be known. Luke 12:2

We see that God exposes the hidden things. When you speak alone to someone in your room and you think nobody knows about it, it will be exposed and maybe even at your death.

Maybe you tell someone that he has a spirit, or the demon of an animal and he becomes so angry and says, ‘I have Jesus in me.’ If you, as a boy lust after your sister, or a girl lusts after her brother, that is none other than the spirit of an animal. You must cry out that the Lord will deliver you. You must be delivered from the power of Satan and the bondage of those evil spirits.

A certain satanist said, ‘I have closed this church because nobody will confess their sins.’ One satanist said to another, ‘Watch them. No one will confess their sins. I have put a stop to it.’ They walk through the pews and do their mutterings and prayers. They cast their spells even at the pulpit. Once I took a service and wondered why no one came for counselling, because I knew at that church the people counselled diligently. Then it came out, just as the Bible says, nothing is hidden: a satanist had said, I will put a stop to counselling.

An evil spirit will harden your heart like concrete. You will wish the service would end. You will feel hungry. You will not want to speak to your counsellor. That is the evil spirit at work in you. This is how it will be if a person is not strong in the Lord and in His Spirit. The evil spirits will get a grip on him.

20 And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. 21 For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22 coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. 23 All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” Mark 7:20 – 23

What is your heart like? Is it defiled? Doesn’t it have any of these sins within? What comes out of your mouth when you insult a person? That is defiled.

We find a similar passage in Matthew.

43 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also, will it be with this evil generation.” Matthew 12:43–45

Jesus warns us how to live. He ends with these words – so also will it be with this evil generation –are you part of this evil generation? You see, Satan does not rest concerning us. He does not sit on his laurels. He is busy with his evil spirits, seeking entrance into your life. Look at your life, haven’t any of these evil spirits found entrance into your life? If they have, people will notice that you are no longer as you used to be. You are worse than you were at first. Can you testify I was bound but now Jesus has set me free? Have you experienced Jesus freeing you and breaking the chains of sin? Do you experience that liberty? Maybe you have evil dreams, but you call yourself a child of God. All these animals are still in your heart. Ask for prayer that you will be set free from evil spirits. When you sleep, you dream that you are flying. If you are flying in your dreams, you have joined Satan. Jesus is no longer in your heart. There are evil spirits ruling your life. As a young man or woman, you won’t show respect. You will be cheeky. Those evil spirits are ruling your life. This word shocks: the last state of that person is worse than the first.

Possibly the people who live in your community have noticed that you are no longer what you used to be as a believer and eventually you end up drinking and worse than you were before.

Today, if you remind someone of something he has done, the response is, ‘I don’t remember anymore.’ He does that knowingly because he answers as Satan has taught him. The sin of lying rules him. The sin of anger rules in a person’s life. You saw all those animals. Which of those animals are in your life?

Something happened soon after we came to this site. A witchdoctor confessed his sin, but he held back some. After some time, God exposed him. He reached the point where he shouted it out. Rev Stegen and his wife said, ‘Close the doors, the children should not hear it.’ He shouted out the names of people he had murdered and other things. What will you expose on your deathbed? Maybe you will shout, ‘I don’t want Jesus, I want Satan.’

Mrs Schneider once brought a white woman and said that this woman did not want to utter the words ‘Jesus Christ’. Those who have the ministry of dealing with people involved in satanism and occult bondage, know that person cannot utter Jesus Christ. It was said, ‘In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may the evil spirit in this woman be cursed.’ And we said Amen. That women then gave a broad smile and said the words ‘Jesus Christ’.

Another white lady barked like a dog. But through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, she was delivered and set free. Her husband thought he might have to divorce her and take her to an institution, but then she opened a gap, and another spirit entered, and she made the noise of a cat. Her children were amazed. She was helped again, set free and healed. That demon of the dog was barked within her. But when she was prayed for, she was delivered.

Serve the Lord. Be in the knowledge that you have been set free by the power of Jesus. There might be many who are still in bondage to lust and many other sins. We have a gospel that can set us free. How long will you remain in your sin and not be set free?

A person once said that when he sleeps, he sees the horns of a cow. Those are evil spirits, occult bondage. People are attacked by evil spirits. Expose your life. Bring it to the light. Go to your counsellor and explain what troubles you otherwise it will return 7-fold.

Dr Koch said that if someone commits suicide, the evil spirit in that person does not enter the grave, it roams around looking for another family to enter. If some of your ancestors were involved in the occult and they pass away, that spirit of witchcraft will enter you if you allow it. Come quickly for help and counselling before that happens.

Some have joined the Illuminati. The evil spirits in the Illuminati are as princes among the demons. They are worse than Satanists. When you join, no matter who you are, you become homosexual. If that spirit enters you, as a young person, go quickly for prayer that you can be helped otherwise you will do disgraceful things.