“Check Your Weight, On the Scales of Scripture”
Daniel 5
27 …you have been weighed in the scale and found wanting…
If you weigh yourself in God’s scales will you be found wanting? God’s scale is the Bible and we should test our lives against it.
King Belshazzar and his friends were feasting and suddenly a hand came from nowhere and wrote these words (which we find in our text) on the wall. Circumstances can change very quickly, are you prepared? Remember how short life is.
The Lord speaks to the church in Revelation – they thought they were fine but He rebuked them as being naked, blind, to be pitied. Is it the same with you?
Several things in the Bible can measure your life:
– – Honour your father and mother
– – Give honest wages to your workers
– – Respect your teachers at school
– – Lust = adultery and Anger/hatred = murder because for God a thought is a deed.
– If you hold a grudge God will not accept your offering to him. First put that right. And if someone holds a grudge against you first be reconciled to him.
– May the first be last, the greatest the least – humility and meekness
Some excuse the way they live – look at how David committed adultery they say. But they do not study the depth of his repentance in Psalm 51.
Romans 7 v 24f “Who will release me from this body of death?” i.e. the sin we carry. Have you ever known your wretchedness? Bow your heart before God and repent.
Psalm 90v12 The prayer of Moses says “Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom”