“Draw Near to the Rock”

I want to have a look at people who draws near to the Rock, who put their trust in the Rock.

1. Simeon (Luke 2: 26-30).

Simeon was in the temple when Joseph and Mary came with the Child Jesus. He took the Child in his arms. Do you see how important it is to accept the Lord Jesus? Many people do not worship, they just go to church to attend. They cannot behold the Lord Jesus, even if you tell them about Him. Simeon welcomed the Lord Jesus and took Him in his arms. He saw the eternal Rock, not the child. When the other people look at Jesus they saw a baby, Simeon saw his Saviour.

If you want to be protected, here is the Child of Bethlehem. Why don’t you accept this Child into your life?

2. Stephen (Acts 7:55,56)

The second person we look at is Stephen. He preached the gospel, but instead of accepting the gospel, the people stoned that he died. Stephen looked up, he didn’t see the stones, but He saw the heavens open. He saw Jesus.

If you receive Jesus in your life today, you will see Jesus in heaven when you die. Stephen saw Jesus standing, because he accepted Jesus in his heart during his life.

3. David (Ps 23:1).

The Lord is my Shepherd. You personally need to receive this eternal Rock in your life.

David could overcome Goliath because he knew his Shepherd. When David threw the stone the power of God was ahead of this stone and at the back as well. He killed Goliath not because of his own strength, but because of the Rock.

If you don’t have that eternal Rock in you, Goliath will bring his weapons to destroy you.

4. Joseph (Gen 37)

Joseph received this Rock in his life. When temptations came through the wife of Potifar he could overcome.
Flee to this eternal Rock and hide in Him.

5. Daniel

In Dan 6:26 we read about Daniel who also had that eternal Rock. When the King made the law that everyone had to bow before the statue, he could say no. And when he was thrown into the lions’ den, the lions could not eat him because of the Rock in him.

6. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego (Dan 3:2-5)

They had to bow down and worship the golden image. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego said, we won’t worship this image but the living God. When the king heard of this he decided to put them in the furnace. When they were in the fire the Rock was also there and the fire changed into fresh air. The people next to the furnace died because of the extreme heat.

If you receive the Lord Jesus He will go with you in the fire.

You can only receive Him if you confess your sin, and then the eternal Rock will be there all circumstances.