“Gain the Reward”
Hebrews 11
24. By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.
25. He chose to be ill-treated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time.
26. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.
POINT 1: Background – Moses’ childhood.
We read that the Egyptians saw that the children of Israel multiplied and became stronger. So they devised plans to destroy them, but the Lord delivered them out of the schemes of the Egyptians.
The church of God should be like this. When the enemy looks at us as children of God, they should see that we are on the increase. The church of Jesus Christ should have the power to overcome whatever comes in its way. However, we should be watchful and realize that we have an enemy that wants to destroy us.
When Moses was born his mother put her life on the line to save his life. Though the king’s command was that all the baby boys should be killed, yet she hid him and did not fear the king’s command.
In the same way and even more so should we look after the Lord Jesus in our life. The Bible says we must not “quench the Holy Spirit”.
If you life in any old way, the Holy Spirit within you is quenched. You need to look after and keep that which has been entrusted to you.
POINT 2: Spiritual growth.
24. “By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.”
When Moses had grown up, he started to discern things. He had grown up together with the other Egyptians. When they were reveling in their sinful pleasures, the pleasures of Egypt, he was there as well, exposed to all that. But when he had grown up “he chose to be ill-treated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time.”
We are living amongst a perverse generation but we should shine like stars in this crooked generation. We are in the world but not of this world. That is why the Bible says that the world doesn’t know us. Why not? Because we do not do the things which the world does.
As children of God we ought to grow up spiritually. Some have been Christians for many years, others not that long. But we ought to discern between the things of God and the things of this world.
Everyone ought to be able to see that you are a child of God. You ought to grow up spiritually and be able to discern what is from God and what not.
May God have mercy on us as His children that we will grow up spiritually, that we will have discernment, so that it won’t be necessary for the preacher to tell those who have been Christians for many years what to do and what not.
POINT 3: Making a choice.
Moses was an amazing man! He had the choice of the riches and abundance of pleasures in Egypt, yet he chose “to be ill-treated along with the people of God”. He knew that the riches and pleasures of Egypt were only temperory.
In the same way Joshua chose for himself and his household to serve the Lord. Elijah made the children of Israel to choose between God and baal at mount Carmel. When Joseph was in the house of Potiphar he refused the wooing of Potiphar’s wife and escaped for his life.
So too each of us must make this choice between the world and Christ Jesus. May we make the right choice as Moses did.
POINT 4: Looking at the reward.
“… because he was looking ahead to the reward”: He compared the reward to the pleasures of Egypt and regarded disgrace for the Lord’s sake as of greater worth than the pleasures of Egypt. That reward was constantly before his eyes – he didn’t want to lose out on that.
If we would have the spiritual maturity that Moses had, we would also become strong. If we discern and ask the question, “If I commit this sin, what will I gain? What will be my reward for it?”, we will be wise.
When he had grown up, he had his eyes on the reward and he made this choice. Now let us consider what he gained from it:
God was able to use him. God called him in Midian and sent him to go to Egypt and deliver his people. God spoke to Moses face to face, as a friend to his friend (Ex 33:11). All this happened only after he had made his choice, and Moses became a hero who was able to face Pharaoh and lead out God’s people. God used Moses to lead His people and to once again bring them together as a people and a nation, according to God’s plan.
When they came to the Red Sea, hemmed in on both sides (the Red Sea in front, the Egyptian army behind) this man who had chosen God above everything else, lifted his staff and the whole nation could walk through on dry ground. When the Egyptians tried to follow them, Moses put out his staff again and the Red Sea closed on the Egyptians and they drowned.
It is only when we choose to follow God with our whole heart, that God starts to work and use us.
The Israelites received manna in the desert and water from the rock, through this man Moses. When God’s people were attacked by the enemy, the Amalekites, Moses lifted his hands in prayer and the Amalekites were conquered.
May you turn your back on the worldly pleasures and choose God above all else so that He can use you again.