Hearing His voice
Sunday service, Erlo Stegen, 13 May 2018
Gen 5:24
Enoch walked with God
Abraham Lincoln said, “I am what I am because of my mother”.
Blessed are those who have such mothers. That they can raise men of the calibre of Abraham Lincoln. We wish for our mothers that they might be like that.
It’s amazing when great leaders are able to say that they are what they are because of their mothers. It’s wonderful to have mothers who are able to teach and correct their children. Even nations are blessed by such mothers by the calibre of children they raise. It can even change the direction of a nation.
In the early days, once we were on our way from Maphumulo to Nqutu for a service. It was a very hot day and we were thirsty. It was the first time we traveled on this dirt road. We were traveling quite fast in a Dodge. We were six in the car. One of the mothers that were with us asked me to stop the car and I immediately applied the brake to stop the car. It took awhile for the car to stop. When the car had finally come to a standstill, she opened the door and there was a tap right next to the car and we could quench our thirst and refresh ourselves. I asked her whether she knew of the tap there and she answered that she didn’t even know that road but that she experienced God prompting her to ask me to stop the car. So God can lead His children and take care of His children.
It’s wonderful to walk with God and be with people who walk with God and can hear His voice.
German translation
French translation