“Looking to Jesus, as the Author and Finisher of Our Faith”
Hebrews 12
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
An American lawyer researching the law discovered it is based on the law of Moses in the Bible. He decided to read the Bible and he received the Lord as his Saviour. He experienced that he had a new heart. He knelt and prayed. The Spirit of God fell upon him and he prayed for mercy. He thought he would die. At a prayer meeting he refused to be prayed for as he thought they would do no good. He said they asked and asked and never received. Their prayers were powerless and fruitless. Finney left his career and preached all over the USA. America was shaken by his preaching.
When you go home will you be shaken by those at home or will they be shaken by you?
How long will you be fruitless and your prayers powerless? The Lord said you will ask and you will receive. Will your prayers be effective or in vain? If you cannot stir God with your prayers you are making a circus of Christianity. Or will you be an effective instrument in the hand of God? If the Lord is with you He can work through you even if you are alone. It’s sad if nothing comes about because of you.
Who will set me free? What you sow you will reap. But you reap more than the one seed you sow. Come back to God. Confess your sin. Be specific. King Shaka exhibited power over life and death by the way he killed whomever he liked. But Jesus is greater than he.
Our text tells us to “Lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely”, Hebrews 12. Depart from your sin or you’re like a pig that goes back to its mud; a dog back to its vomit.
Don’t return to your sin. Stay focused. Don’t let the standard the Lord has shown you fall. Cast everything aside and look to Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. Remove your focus from other things. Don’t lose anything the Lord has shown you.
Nothing will hold you back if you look to Jesus. Nothing will conquer you, not Satan or anything; you are like a star hanging securely in the sky. The future will show if you have been true to this command to set everything aside and focus on the Lord.
Do not harden your heart like those who don’t believe.