
Matthew 16

23 But He turned, and said unto Peter, “Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

Peter was the foremost disciple. Jesus praised him for receiving the revelation that Jesus is the Christ.

But here Jesus rebukes Peter severely.
What was Peter’s reaction? Was he offended and walked away? Did he continue arguing and reject the rebuke? Did Peter repine in self-pity, feeling that he was tricked into following Jesus?

We do not find any of these reactions. Six days later the Lord chose him to be with Him on the mount of transfiguration.

See how often and how easily we are offended in comparison! A friend might rebuke you and you lose strength and mull over what he said or did. That friend has become your enemy in your eyes. Maybe you even speak about your offence to others and so poison others with your evil words.

Proverbs 27

6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

When you met Christ at first He was precious to you, but now you’re so offended that you no longer speak of Christ and what He did for you, but only about how grievously you’ve been offended. This has become your testimony – how you’ve been wronged and treated unfairly.

Are you today dejected and depressed? Are you still on your knees before Him or have you turned away disappointed? Do you feel Christ has been too hard on you?

Have you been offended by something; or have you taken that rebuke, accepted it and climbed the mountain where the Lord can reveal greater things to you?

Has your offence brought evil reactions from you; where you cannot care a thing about so-and-so who has offended you.

If you continue harbouring the offence you will depart from God’s way. You will be a burden to yourself and to others.

Remember you cannot climb the mountain alone. If Christ does not call you up the mountain you cannot go – and He won’t call you up the mountain while you keep a grudge.

Go to someone, like Peter, who was able to overcome and grow when he was rebuked, so that that person can show you the way to also overcome.

You will only receive Christ’s wonderful promises if you are true to Him. Just see what Peter experienced after this. Read the letters that this Peter wrote as an instruction to us – because he was not offended by Christ’s words.

Do you want your life to be fruitful in your ministry? Don’t take offence at Christ and His words. Don’t take offence at a friend who wants to help you. Don’t even take offence at an enemy who speaks lies.

What would have become of Peter if he was offended? We would never have heard of him again.

Remember your first love for Christ and your selflessness in those days. Where have you lost it? Retrace your steps and do your first works.