“Righteousness Before the Lord”

Genesis 7

1 And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.

2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

Here Noah is told to go into the ark and take of each animal with him because God says that He has found Noah righteous in that generation. The Lord saw that the people of Noah’s time were evil and sin was increasing.

God created heaven and earth and it was good. He created Man in His image so that man could imitate Him but Man forsook God’s covenant and did their own thing. They took of the fruit and then they realised that they were naked. Something had changed within them; sin had come in. Adam and Eve then had children and the sin that had come in kept growing. This can be seen in Cain’s increased wickedness when he was jealous of Abel and killed him and the earth was then cursed because of Abel’s blood. Man increased and wickedness also increased.

Today there is much evil in the world. Murder and rape is rampant. Today abortion is practised. God won’t be patient but will punish the sin that is committed. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. God knows  whether the aborted child could have been a future preacher or not. If you abort a child, you are a murderer. Man commits crimes that even animals don’t do. God decided to destroy the wicked people but then God saw one righteous man.

There is a shortage of righteous people in the world today. Do we do what God wants us to do? Can God trust us? God told Noah to build the ark and Noah did as God instructed him. People mocked him. Noah appeared stupid to the people of his day, but he was good in God’s eyes because he obeyed God. It is important to do God’s will and in so doing save our families as well.

Amongst the twelve spies sent to Canaan, something happened. These men were chosen because they were supposed to be leaders, upright and courageous. Instead, when they returned, ten of them trembled and told of the giants in the land. Only Caleb and Joshua said that the land was beautiful and that they would have the strength to overcome because of God. When you share with people, do you break down and bring a bad report or are you like Caleb who said that with God one can overcome. Many also expect an immediate answer from God. You should tell God your need and leave the answer to God. Often one doesn’t see the outcome today but only later. You also have to make an effort. You have to bring your effort to God so that He can use it. People tremble because of circumstances but if you look to God the problems melt away.

God also sees all. He knows the things in your heart. We must draw nigh to God and bring all to the Lord Jesus for He also sees the depth of your sin. If you come to Him, He will direct your heart.

Girls go to abortion clinics and boys and girls walk around with condoms in their possession so that they can sin. If you live this kind of life, you are lost. You need the Lord Jesus to change you.

God is in control of our lives. With His strength in you, you can be victorious over sin. May God find Calebs and Joshuas amongst us; that God will be on our side and give us the victory!