Run your race with patient endurance

Sunday service, Dietmar Joosten, 07 Aug 2016

Hebrews 12:1-2
1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Jesus went through all with joy. He persevered. Perseverance has many synonyms in the Bible, but it all revolves around diligence, endurance, persistence, steadfastness, patience. It’s all cheerful endurance. Every day we come across this. But the Bible says one thing is even greater than this and it’s love. It drives us.
We read in Revelations, because you have kept My word with patient endurance I will keep you from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole world (Rev 3:10). Often we miss the mark because we fail to recognise our responsibility. The Bible says there is a race set before us, it’s marked out for us to run. It should give us total peace knowing that Christ has set out the course for us. Whatever happens to us has been appointed for us by Him. As we run our different courses, it’s what we do with it that counts. This race is not a short sprint, but a marathon. That’s why we have to train for it.
In a race one can immediately see a person that has trained. You will never run a marathon without perseverance.The Bible says there’s a cloud of witnesses looking at how we run our race.
A coach that fears God makes good athletes. He can push you to the limits and tell you things that you don’t want to hear because he wants you to win the race. And a good athlete will listen to such a coach, no matter what he has to go through, because he knows it’s for his good. Children, your parents are there to teach you God’s ways. If you as a child is not prepared to listen to the advice of your parents, how will you listen to the Heavenly Coach? This is your race at the moment, to listen and learn from your parents. Obey your parents in the Lord.
We need each other. The Bible says we must carry each other’s burdens. Sometimes you think you cannot go forward anymore but that’s not true. We have so many examples in the Bible of people who persevered, even though they went through terrible difficulty. Joseph is one example. God spoke to him through dreams when he was 17. His brothers hated him (Not everyone will love you when God speaks to you). Joseph went through difficulty for 13 years after that and his dreams seemed shattered. But he persevered and God fulfilled what He had promised.
Joseph saw the Invisible One and said, how can I sin against God (Gen 39:9). When you take your tablet, cell phone or computer, know that the Invisible One is there present that you sin not.
Moses too, motivated by faith, left Egypt, for he never flinched but endured steadfastly as one who saw the One who is invisible (Heb 11:27). Moses saw the One the others did not see and that kept him faithful to persevere.
Perseverance is destroyed by sin. But it’s not only sin that hinders us but also all unnecessary weight, as our text says. Many people are destroyed by worries. But most of the things you worry about will never even happen to you. Can you imagine someone running a race with boots on?
That’s why the Bible says, “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Prov 3:5). Often God works exactly in the opposite way to what you think. Pray and ask God to show you what He wants. You might desire to have something which of itself isn’t necessarily wrong, but then you get obsessed with it and it harms you spiritually. Run the race set before you. It’s the best you can do.
What’s the opposite of perseverance? One opposite is laziness. Another is not to take responsibility. Another is to argue about your responsibilities. Like a child that refuses to help at home because of homework. Suddenly the teacher becomes more important than the parents. No, you must respect your teachers and your parents.
Another is stubbornness, always knowing better, and even using God’s word to justify your stubbornness. If you don’t like to be told when you’re young, what will it be like when you’re old? As a child you must learn to bow. You’re just hurting yourself through it.
Run your race with patient endurance. Don’t build your spiritual house with sand. The Lord Jesus Himself went through trials and great difficulties. We must learn from Him. If we run with patience the race set before us we grow thereby and our faith and character is built thereby. God chose you to run this race. Be faithful.
Think of what Abraham went through but he patiently ran his race. Even when God asked him to sacrifice what God had given him, he obeyed. Perseverance and obedience are like twins.
The story is told of a king who wanted to choose a personal assistant and invited many young men. He asked them to empty a pond with a leaking bucket, saying that the one that got it right would be his personal assistant. Many left because it looked too difficult. Others left because they thought the king had already decided on the one he had chosen and was just wasting their time and mocking them. Others tried but when they saw that they weren’t making much headway, gave up. But a certain young man decided to press on and he toiled on hour after hour with the leaking bucket, emptying the pond. After toiling many hours he saw something sparkling at the bottom of the pond, and he realised that he was almost done. He toiled for a few more hours and eventually the pond was empty and he saw there a diamond ring which he took to the king. The king was very proud of him, and told him that he could keep the ring. But above that, because of his perseverance, he was the type of man he was looking for and that he would become his personal assistant.
Many give up in the Christian life. They say it doesn’t work. But others achieve victory because they climb the ladder that’s called “never never give up”. But to climb such a ladder is a team effort. You with the Lord, and with the body of Christ. The Lord Jesus set us an example. He was together with His disciples. They loved fishing. But one night they toiled the whole night and caught nothing. Then Jesus came and at His Word they cast the net on the other side and caught many fish.
It’s easy to throw in the towel. But look beyond that thing that troubles you. Look to the Author and Finisher of your faith and you will overcome.

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KwaSizabantu choir:


KwaSizabantu choir: UMA NGIHOLWA ISANDLA


KwaSizabantu choir: THANK YOU GOD
