Mrs Hlongwane and Mrs Stegen shared

They were in Europe with a team at the different branches, Romania (Voiteg), Germany in Gross-Erlach and Berlin, Switzerland and France (Genet-d’Or). They were deeply touched by God’s working amongst the brethren. However, it caused deep heartbreak and tears in the team when they saw how satan had succeeded in influencing the churches to depart from the gospel which they had received with open arms years ago and them to completely break with the work of Ksb, that the Lord had started through, and which grew through Rev Stegen. One thing encouraged them was the knowledge that God is starting something new from the ashes, there are those that have clung to the life that they had received through the preaching of the Gospel and the Lord is working there. The team were reminded of the words of Rev Stegen, which can be seen as prophetic, where he said that if we leave the Truth of this Gospel which God revealed through His word that resulted in revival in 1966, the churches will be destroyed will end up in ashes and a scattering of the people. That is truly so in Europe. Pray for the brethren that have clung to this high standard that they had heard and accepted and will stand. It was encouraging to experience the love of the remnant.

Genesis 37,12 -14

12 Then his brothers went to feed their father’s flock in Shechem. 13 And Israel said to Joseph, “Are not your brothers feeding the flock in Shechem? Come, I will send you to them.”

So he said to him, “Here I am.”

14 Then he said to him, “Please go and see if it is well with your brothers and well with the flocks, and bring back word to me.”

We read of 17-year-old Joseph. He had a father. Do you have one? Remember, whether you have one or not, that you have a Heavenly Father. He has a plan and purpose for your life. You don’t belong to yourself, you’re a sheep of His flock if you have surrendered your life to this Shepherd.

Are you like one of the other sons who were not loved like Joseph was, sons who walked their own way? God was busy doing something special in Joseph’s life. He told his brothers, as a child does, what he had dreamed. They took offence at their small brother and eventually this offence became hatred. Whenever he told them of another dream, they hated him more. They nursed this envy and hatred until it became an obsession to get rid of him, the dreamer. Their intentions became evil.
Pray: Search me o Lord, know my heart and see if there is any wicked way in me.

Joseph was a faithful child, and his father trusted him. Joseph nurtured this bond of love. Do you nurture love for your own family or love for God and His family? Israel sent this son to his brothers to check how they were faring. What was Joseph’s response? “Here I am.” He didn’t say, “Father, they hate me and don’t have a kind word to say to me.” When Joseph set off to look for his brothers, he and his father didn’t know that it was a farewell for decades.

When he eventually found his brothers, they said to each other, “Here’s the dreamer. Now we can avenge ourselves.” They sought a way to get rid of him. How did Joseph survive this time of being alone? He knew his heavenly Father who strengthened him.

In the book of Hebrews we read of Moses. He left Egypt because he could see the One that is unseen.  I was reminded of a plaque that can be found in Christian homes: Christ is the Head of this home, the unseen Guest at every meal. The silent Listener to every conversation.

Remember that when you spoke, that Christ listened. Maybe you have forgotten what you said, as He silently listensr at every conversation. Jesus says, “Everything will be revealed one day and what is spoken in secret will be shouted from the housetops.” Maybe you say you didn’t want to hurt anyone with what you said. Well, Job had friends who wanted to help him, yet it is tragic how they hurt him through their words. Some people who are suffering are made to suffer even more because of what is said to them. Your heart or mind may be those “friends” that make you suffer. In the last chapter of Job it is written, my wrath is burning against your two friends because they didn’t speak what is right about you. Job had to pray for them so that they would be forgiven, when they brought sin offerings so that they would not be punished. They obeyed God because they didn’t want to face the wrath of God. It is wonderful to be accepted by God. How can He accept you if you are stubborn and self-willed, not prepared to do what you should do?

Joseph was sold as a slave in Egypt. His brothers thought that they had gotten rid of him and brought his blood-stained garment to their father as proof that he had been attacked and killed. How is it possible to be so cruel.

In Egypt, Joseph clung to the One who is unseen. Even Potiphar saw that the blessing of God was with him. But how is such a thing possible, that an Egyptian unbeliever could see that God was with this lad? He made Joseph the manager of his household. In this situation in which he found himself, God made Joseph strong.  May we recognise those that are faithful to God, maybe even become part of God’s plan of saving His people in the time of the terrible drought.

The devastating drought came, and Joseph’s brothers arrived to buy grain in Egypt. When they realised that Joseph was alive and powerful, they feared for their own lives. They reminded each other, “do we not remember the fear in his eyes and his pleading for his life.”  However, Joseph reassured his brothers that it had been God’s plan to save them all from starvation. The brothers were still afraid of what Joseph would do to them in revenge. That was not necessary as Joseph had a heart for God. Fear mustn’t overcome us. The Father in Heaven carried him and brought him through; as He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob so He also was the God of Joseph.

Let us be courageous and look to the One who hears every conversation. God is there for us every day. We boys would sing when we were young, “Saviour while my heart is tender, I give it to you.” Have you given your heart, while it was tender, to Him? Look and see how Joseph was a blessing to God’s people.

Sbongiseni Khumalo

Something touched me, Joseph was one of the brothers within a family. Joseph, the young one, was hated by them because God revealed His plan to him. That caused the brothers to hate him more. How sad and terrible that in one family there is such disunity. Maybe there are families amongst us where there is hatred towards each other and wishing for one of them to die. And the main reason being that they are envious, jealous because he dreamed dreams and then told them to them. In the dreams his brothers bowed to him. Eventually when they saw him, when he had found them in the pastures of Dothan, their anger and hatred burned against him. There should be love and seeking the best for one another amongst family members. There should be reconciliation. Unfortunately, there is such a thing that family members don’t live in peace together and they even seek the death of their sibling.

Why don’t you speak together and be reconciled? Even in the family of God it can be like that. Both are God ‘s children, but not one in spirit. The enemy is only too glad to destroy the family of God through such a relationship.

The sons of Israel should have just brought their hatred to the light, and they could have loved their younger brother.

Prayer (by S. Khumalo): May the enemy not find friction amongst us to destroy Your plan for Your church. May we be united. Rule amongst us and lead Your work that the gospel will go out into all the world.