Your sins have been forgiven

Michael Ngubane
We indeed thank the Lord for the testimony of how He is working. If you cannot see it, ask the Lord to open your eyes. You might have eyes but you do not see yourself. Such a person is to be pitied.
There are many visitors who come in groups or by themselves, from South Africa and our neighbouring countries. We thank the Lord for each one who comes for help. Through that we see the Lord working, the kingdom of the Lord is built and the kingdom of the evil is destroyed. May the Lord help us that when He is at work, we might experience what the disciples did as they accompanied our Lord. You might be physically healthy but you are a corpse spiritually.
36 One of the Pharisees asked him to eat with him, and he went into the Pharisee's house and reclined at table. 37 And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment, 38 and standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment. 39 Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, for she is a sinner.” 40 And Jesus answering said to him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” And he answered, “Say it, Teacher.”
41 “A certain moneylender had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42 When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of them will love him more?” 43 Simon answered, “The one, I suppose, for whom he cancelled the larger debt.” And he said to him, “You have judged rightly.” 44 Then turning toward the woman he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45 You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in she has not ceased to kiss my feet. 46 You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment. 47 Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” 48 And he said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” 49 Then those who were at table with him began to say among themselves, “Who is this, who even forgives sins?” 50 And he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Luke 7:36 – 50
This text contains much. Many riches and sweetness can be found in God’s word. If we would study it earnestly, we would find many answers for our lives. Some people work for years, but they don’t attain to anything. For years some people do not have peace but they continue. There are also those who take a gap and grab that which is not actually theirs.
Jesus said in John 4:9 “I need to do the work of the One who has sent Me while it is still day”.
In this portion there are two prominent people, besides the Lord Jesus. Both had the opportunity to be with the Lord Jesus. The Pharisee knew the law and he invited the Lord Jesus into his home. That was his goal. He told everyone who was close to him that he had invited the Lord Jesus. He had his own agenda. He set a trap for the Lord Jesus. He wanted to catch Him at fault. If that was the reason for his invitation, it was wrong. If his goal was to invite the Lord Jesus to trap Him, he would not have received anything.
The second person is the opportunist. This person was not invited but snatched the opportunity to sit at the Lord Jesus’ feet. Nations differ. In some countries if you arrive but were not invited, you are told to leave. I remember some German people, if you came to their home when you were not invited, you were told to leave because they had not been invited. When the Gospel began working amongst them that stopped. They learnt that even if people had not been invited, accommodate and welcome them. Make them feel like invited guests.
On the other hand, Zulu people don’t get invited, we invite ourselves. When I arrive, it is up to you to plan. You must provide my food; you must accommodate me. The host planned four portions and the person who has just arrived will not receive a piece of meat because it was not planned. The host is the stingy person because he only has 4 pieces of meat. Even though there are expected guests, the host always prepares for the unseen guest. The host must do something about it, not the guests.
I am not sure how the Jews did things at that time but nothing was going to stop the woman. She understood where Jesus was, and she knew her need. This woman was known for her evil lifestyle across the city. The Pharisee tried to trap the Lord Jesus, saying that if He was a prophet, He would have known who the woman was. If He had understood who this evil woman was, He would not have allowed her to come close to Him. It was as if this woman had no manners. She just arrived. (Rev Stegen told us how the Jews reclined with their feet away from the table.) The woman entered where His feet were. She realised that she had to act immediately – whether Jesus was eating or not. She had a problem and had to be set free that day. She did not wait. She knew she had to have a conversation with Jesus.
The one who invited the Lord Jesus was losing his opportunity. Why does the Lord Jesus note the woman and not the one who had invited Him? Why does the Lord pay attention to the woman who slipped in and not the one who had invited Him in? He was the one who set a trap for the Lord Jesus that is why. The woman had the need. The Lord identified it, not the one busy with his conniving.
Many of us want the Lord Jesus to help us out of our problems, we desire to be helped by Him.
A person may know the Lord Jesus and try and see the power of the Lord, even though setting traps. He enters your home, you may have prepared a table and even invited Him, but you will lose the blessing.
You may have prepared a table for a king, but it is not a king that enters, rather someone you despise. And the Lord says, ‘I came in that form to you.’ And you say, ‘Lord I expected someone else, not the one who came in with rags. Someone who didn’t have anything on his feet. He was dirty.’ The Lord had hidden Himself in that person.
Simon’s heart was angry. ‘Lord, I invited you and now you are paying attention to another, and not to me.’ The Lord Jesus answers Simon, 44…“Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.
What have you done for the Lord? You invited Him but you have not offered Him water to wash His hands and feet, not to mention the ointment. The Lord Jesus says the Son of God does not even have a place to lay down His head. He would love to lay down His head in your life, but you have not opened a place for Him. You have not allowed the Lord to lay down His head. Your place is full of dust, there is no water to wash His feet, there is no ointment at all.
But from the moment she entered the house, the woman’s tears flowed. She was convicted of her sin and evil which was all she could see. From the outside she seemed unmannered. She just barged in and took over, yet the Lord Jesus saw deeper. He saw her heart. The Lord sees the broken heart. He sees the one who desires help and the Lord Jesus gives that one His attention.
Friend, do you know what you require of the Lord Jesus? Do you understand the need of your soul? Do you know what is lacking in your life? Are you satisfied with the life you are living? This woman teaches us what it is like to meet with the Lord Jesus.
People often say that they have committed themselves to the Lord, but they don’t have peace, they haven’t been set free. They want to leave the faith because ‘it doesn’t work’. Sins cling to them. The old life of Satan still accompanies them. There is no hope or energy are left in them. They say that Christianity does not work – those are lies from Satan. He is the master liar. He whispers in your ears and says there is no help in your situation. These are blatant lies. He says that if you come to the Lord Jesus you won’t be helped.
Let us consider the ways in which we approach the Lord Jesus. This woman was sick and tired of her life. She was tired of being known as an evil woman who ran after men. Her way of living was known across the town. We don’t know whether she was a prostitute, but we know that she was immoral. Then she heard about the Lord Jesus who saves. An opportunity arose when she could see who He was. Many others had heard about the Lord Jesus and took the opportunity to see what He was like. The faith in you is what saves you.
What are the signs that this woman had truly met with the Lord? This woman was unconcerned about whether people found fault with her or mocked her. All she wanted was to meet with the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus sees the one who searches with all his heart. It was seen through her actions and tears. Do we hear this? Some people come to the Lord Jesus smiling and even laughing. There is no remorse or tears about their sin. It is therefore not surprising if someone confesses their sins, but tomorrow they return to the same sin. They met with the Lord but there is no freedom. Others have been set free, but not you. That is why you are at your end and without hope because you do not have that in your life. The way in which we come to the Lord Jesus is important. We must see the evil of our sin. May your heart break. You need the Lord Jesus. Cry about your sin. Rend your heart about it. See your evil. If you do this, you will not easily return to it. If you have not seen the evil of your sin, you will confess today but tomorrow you will return to it.
You may be troubled by pornography. You cannot sleep without first looking at this evil on your phone. You look at it every day. You don’t want to do it anymore, but you are in bondage. Old men are also troubled by this sin. How shocking that men, fathers and grandfathers are troubled by pornography! If you do not come in tears with a broken heart, you will not be set free. You have reached your end. You feel that it does not help to confess your sin and you look at porn every day, even though you confess it.
Another person may be a drug slave. How will he be set free from drugs? My friend, if you confess your sin and still love it, you are playing around. If you love Satan and evil, even though you confess it, you are wasting your time. Get to the point where you are disgusted by your sin. The Lord Jesus says that the one who returns to their sin is like a dog or a pig. A dog vomits and then returns to its own vomit. Have you ever seen how disgusting a dog’s vomit is? But the dog returns to it.
We are created in God’s image, and we should do things in that manner. But look at people do behave like animals. You can wash a pig, perfume and cream it but the pig will return to the mud, just like a person who confesses and goes back. If you easily return to your sins, you have not seen the evil of them and the pain your sin caused to the Lord Jesus by returning to it.
This woman arrived uninvited. She grabbed her opportunity. The Lord noted her. He did not ask, ‘What do you need?’ The Lord did ask some, ‘What must I do for you?’ Like for the blind man. He had to respond and say, ‘Lord, that I may see. The Lord did His work, and then he could see. But this woman whom everyone knew, wept and her heart was broken. Have you ever come to the Lord with a broken heart - a heart broken by your sin, broken with remorse because you realise that you have crucified the Lord again with your sins. Do we realise how evil this is? Have we realised the anguish we have put Him through? Have you ever felt the pain you brought the Lord Jesus?
The Lord Jesus who saw the cry of her heart, said to her 47 Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” 48 And he said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” The Lord Jesus walked ahead and saw her broken heart.
I don’t think this woman returned to her sin. We don’t hear this. She was truly set free. Her evil reputation ended. Imagine hearing those words, ‘your sins have been forgiven.’ How would you feel if those words were spoken to you by the Lord Jesus? Your sins have been forgiven. Imagine that your sins are forgiven by the One who shed His blood and died for you. Have you ever heard those words said to you? Your sins have been forgiven. I believe she went home, completely set free and never wanting to return to sin and to the love of the world.
To one who invited the Lord Jesus was to be pitied. He received nothing from that invitation. You might invite the Lord Jesus, but you receive nothing. It is given to others because your motives are wrong.
Young men, come to the Lord in holiness. Say, ‘Lord, this is my life. These are the chains binding me.’ If you are troubled by the lusts of the flesh, come to the Lord completely. Bring it all to the Lord, all your chains, and say, ‘Lord, this is my life, this is what I am.’ Cry to Him to break your chains. Some are troubled by the lusts of the flesh because their eyes are in bondage. They look at women up and down. The Lord says the one who believes in Me shall not thirst. The thirst for the things of this world stops. He who has met with the power of the Lord Jesus, thirsts for righteousness. They already experience heaven.
Young ladies, learn to love the Lord Jesus with all your heart. May your heart not desire marriage. If that is what you desire, you will not get anything.
This woman returned home with joy, smiling. The Lord Jesus said to her, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’
How long will you remain in your sin? The Lord Jesus’ only desire is to forgive your sin, but you swim in your own filth and the devil rules you. The Lord Jesus wants you to go home knowing that your sins are forgiven. The Pharisees were only concerned about who this Jesus was because He said He forgives sins, but He is the only One who can do it. They said there is only One and yet it was the One who was there who could forgive.
Search yourself. Are you confessing your sin? Is there remorse? Can you see the evil, or do you just come smiling? Truly confess and you can be forgiven today.
I can testify to this. Bring your sin to the Lord Jesus and that you can truly be forgiven. Now is your opportunity. The Lord Jesus has spoken. Her many sins were forgiven.
Conclusion Jabulani Dube
Thank you for what we have heard. He who has an ear has heard. The Lord has spoken to us from His word and through His servant.
I am touched by this point of crying. If sin still rules in your life, have you cried? Have you cried and seen your evil? Some say that as sin keeps returning to their mind. Search yourself. Do you cry about your sin?
Several things that white people helped us with. If a saucer or plate was broken many years ago, you would have been hit and told that you were a fool, ‘just like your mother’ or ‘just like your father.’ The child would have to live with the thought, ‘I am a fool because I broke a plate or saucer.’ The white people showed us that when something was broken, the mother would say, ‘O sorry.’ They understood that it was a mistake and it could happen to them as well. Even if something was accidentally spilt on the table, the reaction was the same.
This Gospel taught us to pray before meals or before going to bed. This is Biblical. When Jesus was invited, He broke the bread and prayed, thanking God
Before KSB expanded Rev Stegen, Mr Khwela and myself shared a room. When Rev Stegen opened the curtain he said, ‘Oh, it is raining, we thank the Lord,’ or, ‘Oh, the sun is shining, we thank the Lord.’ When people complain about the terrible heat or all the rain, I rather thank the Lord for the heat and rain. If the Lord Jesus would be here with us, He would be pierced but all our complaining. Rev Stegen taught us how to thank.
I asked an overseas business man whether he prayed with his workers in the morning before they start work and he said that he did not. Then he began praying. The following day someone gave him cash to expand his business. He could repay the cash as he could manage. This is a secret – invite the Lord Jesus into all you do.
There are people who hear voices: if I die now will I go to heaven? If I have confessed my sins will I be forgiven? Such people need prayer for the voices going through their minds.
There are girls who run through men in their minds, will I marry this one or that one? If it is marriage you desire, you will never receive it.
Imagine this woman, she never questioned what the Lord told her.
Confession of sin does not mean that you simply say, ‘I have anger, lies, stubbornness…’ and stop there. You should explain why you get angry, when do you hold a grudge, etc. Bring that all to the light. Expose the root of the sin. If you generalise your confession, you are cutting off the tree and not exposing the roots which is why the sin keeps returning. If you want to root it out, you must dig the roots out. If you remove a tooth and it breaks off, you will still have pain. Return to the doctor and have the tooth removed. That is what we have to do with our sin. ‘I had evil thoughts’ – no, explain these evil thoughts. ‘I get angry’ – no explain what caused your anger. The words of the Lord Jesus are difficult. If your eye hinders you, remove it. If your hand hinders you, chop it off because it is better to enter heaven without it. If your foot makes you stumble, remove it. That does not mean that you gouge out your eye or cut off your foot. It means if you have an evil eye, remove it through confession of sin. Explain what you do and how you do it. Paul says do we remain in sin so that grace may abound? No, never!
If you are troubled by pornography, get rid of your cell phone otherwise it is like a snake in your pocket. It will bite you.
The Bible says that the person who makes others stumble should have a millstone put around his neck and he should be thrown into the depths of the sea. Do you hear what the Lord Jesus says? If you are a stumbling block through how through your actions or speech, it is better that a millstone is put around your neck and that you are thrown into the sea. You may be a slave to sin so take out the sin as it is with all its roots. Family members are forgiven is they apologise to each other with true remorse. David said, ‘I confessed my sins, and You forgave me.’
If you confess your sins, you will feel inwardly that you are forgiven. What kind of voices speak to you when you have just confessed your sin? ‘Have I been forgiven or not?’ If you hear such voices, come for prayer.