“What Are You Busy with?”

Mark 2

1 And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house.

2 And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them.

3 And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four.

4 And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay.

5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.

This happened in Capernaum where Jesus stayed. Although He grew up in Nazereth, He made Capernaum His base. Was it perhaps because they rejected Him in Nazereth? Whatever the reason, Nazereth missed out on a great opportunity.

May this be a warning to you that Jesus doesn’t go somewhere else because He cannot find abode in your life.

This was also a fulfilment of the prophesies that were spoken.

Just before this Jesus healed a person from leprosy. This man was straightly told not to say what the Lord had done for Him, but he disregarded it and so made it difficult for the Lord so that He could no longer appear publicly.

Do you obey the Lord or are your words and actions an obstacle in the Lord’s work?

Here Jesus returned home and the people heard that He was home. So the people came to Him and brought the paralytic to Him. Blessed is the person with a longing to be where Jesus is working.

Let’s look at what it cost the other people to bring the paralytic to the Lord.

We read about these four men who brought the paralytic to Him. They aren’t introduced to us. They were doing the work of disciples – they were bringing people to Christ. Jesus chose His disciples after this and it won’t be surprising if Jesus chose some of them.

The friends of this man brought Him to Jesus. What friends do you have? Do they draw you closer to Jesus?

These friends also noticed this man’s need and acted when they saw the opportunity to help him.

Many wait for the big opportunity to be in the limelight and so they do nothing. That opportunity won’t arrive.

The Lord taught us to be the least and be faithful in the little things. He even led by example – He washed their feet. Learn to be the least. Be faithful in that and the rest will happen by itself.

These men have learned to be the least. They were prepared to do that which others did not want to do.

There are those who always want to be noticed and seen. The Lord cannot use such.

Some want to serve the Lord but want a share in the credit. So they get upset when things don’t go their way. In the Lord’s business He is the sole shareholder, 100%.

This paralytic accepted the help offered, he was willing to be helped. There are many Christians who aren’t willing to be helped. They are like a dog in a trap that bites you when you want to help it.

These men were busy with something worthwhile. Many people are very busy, but with worthless things. Only what’s done for Christ will have eternal value. Many work hard in God’s work for themselves, but they will have a shock in heaven when Jesus declares that He doesn’t know them.

One of the obstacles these men had to contend with to reach the Lord was the crowd. People put obstacles in the way of those who want to serve the Lord. It could even be your family or friends. How do you deal with these obstacles? Do you give up? Some might even mock you.

But those who persevere in the Lord will be victorious, do exploits and receive the reward; not those who mock.

So these men made a plan, opened up the roof and lowered him in front of Jesus.

They had to work together as a team, to obtain their common goal. The people were an obstacle, but there were even practical obstacles, like the roof. They persisted until they achieved their goal.

Someone had to provide the rope with which they lowered the man. The Lord knew who provided the rope. Sometimes we despise what the Lord requires of us and so we’re unfaithful and the Lord cannot use us.

There are many things we can do for the Lord. What are you doing for Him? It needn’t be great things but if done for Him as He wants you won’t miss your reward. God sees it.