Search results for 'Kwasizabantu Mission' (Page 31)

There are 425 matches for Kwasizabantu Mission.
Thabani Sithole

Ngisizakele Ngokwanele

  Greetings to all, I would like to say how I was helped at the mission. My name is Thabani Sithole. I come from a terrible situation. I was stealing, used many different types of drugs, smoking dagga, cocaine, marijuana, mandrax and did a lot of bad things. I was jailed many times. I do…

Simone Jeromin

Die Beste Entscheidung

Mein Name ist Seraphine Simone Jeromin und ich bin 21 Jahre alt. Vor ungefähr 5 Jahren bin ich das erste Mal auf die Mission gekommen und war damals ein sehr, sehr rebellischer Teenager. Ich wollte nichts vom Christentum wissen. Meine Abhängigkeit von Musik war sehr groβ and ich war ein Meister in Heimlichtuerei, mit einem…

Julia Lieske

Thank You for Showing Me the Way

More than 25 years ago, for the first time ever in my life, I heard the Gospel Message being preached by uncle Erlo and co-workers of the mission. I was very young at that time, but God in His grace used them to start His work in my life. It kept me from manifold harm…

Andra Fratila

He Delivered Me

My name is Andra Fratila. When I was little I used to go with my mother and sister to the summer conferences at KSB. A few years later my mother passed away and I moved with my sister to the mission. As a child and teenager I had big problems. It seemed impossible for me…

Stephanie Schnitzer

A New Life

My name is Stephanie Schnitzer and I am from Germany. Even though I grew up in a Christian family, I spent most of my youth not knowing God. I knew there is a God, but I did not understand how to live with Him, in fact I was not even interested in it. The older…

Le chemin étroit qui mène à la vie

Je m’appelle Colette Thyrant, j’ai trois enfants et j’habite en France. Je remercie le Révérend Erlo Stegen d’être venu en France pour nous annoncer l’Evangile de Jésus-Christ. L’Amour n’a pas de frontières. Erlo Stegen est un vrai serviteur de Dieu, il le démontre par sa vie, par l’amour du prochain. J’ai eu la grâce de…

Nompumelelo Maphumulo

Ivangeli Lakhona Leqiniso

Mina Nompumelelo Patience Maphumulo, ngingumzalwane okhonza egatsheni lakwa Sizabantu kusukela ebuncaneni bami. Yebo, ngikhulile ngabuye nganhlanhlatha endleleni kodwa ngiyalibonga kakhulu ivangeli lakwa Sizabantu engalitholayo ngoba langenza ukuthi ekulahlekeni kwami lokho ngibuye ngikhumbule emuva ezintweni engizenzelwe yimishini. Ivangeli lakhona leqiniso elikwaziyo ukushaya isono. Isono nje isono, akukho okungale kwalokho. Uma ngibuka nje kusukela emuva ngimncane ngiza…

Carmen Stegen

I See the Lord’s Great Grace

My name is Carmen Stegen. I am currently staying on the Mission and working at aQuellé. I thank the Lord for what He has done in my life. I was able to attend school at Domino Servite from Grade 8 – 12. We received such a good education, and our teachers were such an ;