Search results for 'Kwasizabantu Mission' (Page 33)

There are 425 matches for Kwasizabantu Mission.
Dimitry Teichrib

Vergebung und Befreiung

Mein Name ist Dimitry, ich komme aus Deutschland. Als ich mich im Januar 1998 zum Herrn Jesus bekehren durfte, wusste ich, dass ich den richtigen und einen wichtigen Schritt gemacht habe. Aber zu meiner Enttäuschung musste ich leider sehr bald feststellen, dass ich keinen Sieg über die Sünde bekam. Das brachte mich schließlich in eine…

Deon van Tonder

Walk before Me and be upright

Gen 17:1b: Walk before Me and be upright I had the privilege of growing up in a family with parents having a mission heart – reaching others for Christ. Our home was a little heaven – I only realized this when I moved out to go and study. My father learned of Kwasizabantu while he…

Aza Nyoka

I Could Sense the Presence of God

Siyabonga “Ayiqhubeke Indaba” My name is Aza Manyano Nyoka. I grew up in a Godly family with my parents as Christians and my dad even took me to a Christian school which had started the very year I enrolled in Umtata. This was where the seed of faith and missionary work was planted in my…

Busisiwe Magqabi

Isibusiso Esikhulu

Amahubo 108:3,4 “Ngizakukubonga phakathi kwabantu, Jehova, ngikudumise phakathi kwezizwe. Ngokuba umusa wakho mkhulu phezu kwezulu, nokuthembeka kwakho kuze kube semafini.” Ngiqale ukufika KwaSizabantu ngo 1982 ngiya ezinkonzweni zabasha. Bengisuka emndenini ohluphekayo. Ukuhlupheka kwanezeleleka uma umama nobaba behlukana. Mina ngahlala nomama wami engasebenzi sathwala kanzima kakhulu. Ngize ngahamba ngayohlala KwaSizabantu ngo 1988 kwaze kwaba ngo ;


Frei! Ich heiße Astrid Böger und lebe in Deutschland. Seit meiner Jungend an, war ich auf der Suche nach dem echten Evangelium – welches ich nach jahrelanger Suche auch gefunden habe: auf der Missionsstation KwaSizabantu, mit der Erweckung unter den Zulus. An dieser Stelle möchte ich die Gelegenheit nutzen zu erzählen, welchen Segen ich durch…

Clotère Ndzeng-Ndong

It Changed My Life for the Better

In 1999, when I was almost 21 years old, my father was appointed as a diplomat by our government to serve our country, Gabon, in South Africa. We came as a family to South Africa to live here. I was still a student. The same year I received an opportunity to visit the mission, arriving…

Max Celick

The Lord Saved Me

Hello, my name is Max Celick and I live in Tulsa Oklahoma USA. I am truly grateful to the Lord that I was able to meet with Mission Kwasizabantu and the Gospel that is practiced there. I was on my way to a burning hell with no hope. One day the Lord spoke directly to…

Victor Vermaak

The Prodigal Son Returned Home

Life consists of many decisions, some decisions are harder, others you make lightly and still others fundamentally affect your direction in life. I would like to share two such decisions in my life. I grew up in a Christian home. Our family has been involved in the Mission from when I was very young, I…

Denisa van Timmeren

This Wonderful Gift

    It’s my privilege to know Kwasizabantu. This ministry reaches to the greatest and most insignificant person on earth. I come from a small countryside village in Romania, a faraway country. I am one of 15 children and I was brought up in a Christian family. During high school, I started to search for God…