
God’s hidden way

Deutsch Français Deutsch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnaFw2pl0qU?rel=0   Français https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6APgm3VLik?rel=0   Introduction Ntokozo Nhlabathi We greet you in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to those who are here and who have joined via livestream or radio. The 70 years celebration is approaching. One day does not seem enough to celebrate. Everyone is invited to…

I will test them

Audio Service: Listen in English/Zulu Listen in French – Traduction Française Listen in German – Deutsche Übersetzung Video Service: View on live streaming in English/Zulu View on live streaming in French View on live streaming in German Testimony of Christopher Thompson from CYPSA Listen in English/Zulu Listen in French   – Traduction Française Listen in German…


Psalms 25 12 What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. Let’s look at some aspects of fellowship. It’s a very commonly used word in the Christian world. If we go to visit friends we sometimes say, “we’re going to fellowship”. What does it…

“Jesus, Our Samson”

Judges 14 1 And Samson went down to Timnath, and saw a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines. 2 And he came up, and told his father and his mother, and said, I have seen a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines: now therefore get her for me to wife….

“When Jesus is King”

Judges 21 25 In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Acts 2 42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. The days of the Judges were difficult times for Israel. Everyone…

“From Despair to Hope”

Engagement of Agrippa & Hlengiwe Judges 6 1 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord: and the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years. 2 And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel: and because of the Midianites the children of Israel made them the dens which are in the mountains,…