“The Power of the Cross [Part 2]”

1 Corinthians

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

When Jesus conquered sin on the cross He conquered your sin too. We shouldn’t take sin lightly. Sin is evil, terrible and gruesome. God treats sin seriously – just consider God’s hatred of sin when He made Jesus to become sin for us.

The Bible says that Jesus was the Lamb that was slain even before the foundations of this world were laid (1Pet 1:20 and Rev 13:8). That’s how deep Jesus’ death cut into the heart of His Father. We cannot imagine such salvation; there are no words to describe it. Before the foundations of the world God saw your sin and saw His Son bearing it for your salvation.

In Gethsemane Jesus’ soul was heavy unto death. His sweat was as drops of blood. The pain and suffering the people caused Him was terrible but even much worse was that the Father made Him to be sin because of your and my sin. That is why He prayed that the cup would pass from Him, but He still yielded firstly to the Father’s will. And Jesus entered into the thickest darkness ever experienced. After Jesus accepted the will of God, God turned His back on Jesus and forsook Him. Then Jesus cried out on the cross, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” He was the only Begotten Son of the Father from eternity, in perfect harmony, yet God turned His back on Him because of your and my sin.

If you can spurn such great salvation, continue in your sin and trample underfoot that precious Blood, no wonder there is a hell, where such people will spend eternity.

When Jesus died on the cross for our sin:

  • His death was a ransom for your and my soul. He paid the penalty so      we can go free.
  • We were justified, and made to be righteous before God.
  • He also reconciled us to God, so that we can be one with Him.

Have you gone to Jesus and thanked Him for what He’s done for you? Does it mean more than anything else in the world to you? Think of the price He paid and the hell He went through for you so that you might live eternally with Him.

Robert Bruce, a Scottish patriot, was hiding from the English king, king Edward, who ordered him to be captured and put into jail. But they couldn’t catch him. One day they got hold of his dogs. He realised his peril, for his dogs would lead them to him. So he ran to a brook, entered the water, but then walked along the stream. So when the dogs reached the water, they lost his trail and could no longer trace him. And so he escaped.

So too you must enter the flood of Jesus’ Blood and let your sins be washed away.