Your value to God, by Rev Erlo Stegen
This is an extract from a sermon about the Prodigal son in Luke 15. Rev Stegen preached this during the Kwasizabantu Youth Conference on 3 July 2016.
This is an extract from a sermon about the Prodigal son in Luke 15. Rev Stegen preached this during the Kwasizabantu Youth Conference on 3 July 2016.
“The Pearl” This skit was performed on 2 July 2016 in front of an audience of 7000 during the Kwasizabantu Youth Conference.
This is an excerpt from a sermon by H Stegen preaching in Zulu in front of a crowd of 5000 young people at the Kwasizabantu Mission Youth Conference held in June/July 2016. His text is Luke 15: 11-32.
This is an excerpt from a sermon preached on 29 June 2016 at the Kwasizabantu Youth Conference. His text was 2 Cor 5: 18-21. It is in Zulu and English.
This is an excerpt of a sermon by Rev Joe Newlands at the 2016 June Kwasizabantu Youth Conference. He preaches in Zulu and it is translated into English. After 2 days there were about 7000 young people for the week.
This is an excerpt from a sermon by A. Mdlalose, preaching in Zulu, in the first service at the Kwasizabantu Mission Youth Conference held in June/July 2016.
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