Sermons on God's plan (Page 2)

The right heart

Traduction Française     Deutsche Übersetzung     View on live streaming Introduction Detlef Stegen We thank the Lord that we can gather this morning. May it be a time where we can experience the Lord speaking to our hearts. It is wonderful to be part of the church and what God is doing. No one is excluded. See…

The blood of the Passover Lamb

Deutsche Übersetzung Traduction Française Ntokozo Nhlabathi: Report on CYPSA outreach Thank you to those who remembered us in prayer while we were in Umtata for 2 weeks on a CYPSA outreach. We saw the wonders God is doing among people. CYPSA is celebrating its 10-year anniversary this year but we met up with things we…

Remain faithful even in old age

Sunday service, Detlef Stegen, 23 Sep 2018 (Also the birthday 90th of uncle Heino Stegen) Before the service Mr Tobie Vermaak reported back on their recent trip to Mocambique, where Rev Erlo Stegen opened the new church building. He preached on the two baskets of figs (Jer 24), one basket very good figs and the…

He who is controlled by the Lord, controls his circumstances

Sunday service, Rev Erlo Stegen, 02 Sep 2018 Funeral of Philip Jan Joosten Psalm 25:14 “The Lord confides in those who fear him; He makes his covenant known to them.” Before Philip passed away, in the evening he spoke to his wife. He opened the Bible and read some verses to her. Then he said…