Youth Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission, December 2023
We thank God for a wonderful week together with over 4000 young people. The Youth Conference was held from 7 – 14 December 2023, with the theme Qinani eNkosini, Be Strong in the Lord.
The Lord provided for us in a special way. All the young people were transported to and from the mission from all corners in KwaZulu Natal, and into the Free State, Eastern Cape and Gauteng. Three nutritious meals were received joyfully by the children. Most importantly, the gospel was preached during the services - how wonderful to see God working in the hearts of young and old with lives being changed and set free.
The day of sports and fun activities was hosted by the young people of the mission and was tremendously enjoyed by everyone.
Thank you to each of you who helped with the conference – from accommodation, putting up the tents, preparing the food and beverages, to marshalling, driving, seeing to water and electricity and so much more. To everyone who carried the conference in prayer, may the Lord bless you. We give Him all the glory.