Estcourt Congregation 10 year Celebration

On Sunday, the 8th September 2024, we had a special service at Rosedale – the Estcourt branch of KwaSizabantu Mission, in the uThukela District of Kwazulu-Natal. KwaSizabantu Estcourt Branch celebrated 10 years since the official church opening on the 6th September 2014.

There were many friends, family and guests that came from far and wide to join the congregation in thanking the Lord for His goodness, grace and faithfulness over the past 10 years.

They welcomed the Honourable Ingonyama yamaHlubi along with his Induna, to whom they owe a great debt of gratitude for the gift of the land at Rosedale.

Nkosi Mazibuko, who also addressed the congregation, was an honoured guest, along with other special visitors that the congregation were overjoyed and humbled to welcome.

Quite a few of the KwaSizabantu branches in KwaZulu-Natal were represented, to thank the Lord together for His wonderful provision in keeping this congregation true to the gospel that was preached in the very beginning, through the Lord’s servant, Reverend EH Stegen.

The theme running like a thread through all the proceedings, was one of great thankfulness!

  • Thankfulness to the Lord, for His grace in leading a small little group, meeting in the Hadebe home in Loskop in the 1980s, to them eventually having their own church, as a branch of KwaSizabantu Mission. The Estcourt congregation choir sang a song relating a little of the history since the revival started in 1966.
  • Thankfulness to the leadership of KwaSizabantu, and more especially for how God used the late Reverend Stegen, for his faithful obedience to the Lord in bringing the gospel of truth, a legacy which has brought much fruit in so many lives. Also, to his family, who have continued in his footsteps, and followed the example of their father, in lives of service and faithfulness. A large portion of his family – children and grandchildren – were present and formed a choir to bring glory to the One who made this all possible.
  • The Ingonyama, who obeyed the voice of the Lord and generously gave the land for KwaSizabantu Mission to build a church where the congregation could meet and worship together was thanked too. Up until that time, they had gathered under very difficult circumstances. Many years before when the house had become too small for the brethren, they had to meet in other places. The gift of the land was a godsend, and the brethren will forever be grateful!

Baba Ngubane who has a long history with this congregation was the M.C.  Baba Dube took the service, he spoke about walking in the light, and reminded us of the importance of staying true to what we have been taught, and the serious consequences of going our own way, and choosing a path that is contrary to the one shown us through the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There were more song items other than those already mentioned - a large number of KSB Youth Choir sang during the service, and there were also a few musical items from the brass band. Ms Nomusa Hadebe spoke about the importance of such an event: to remember, to thank and to continue in the faith.

There was a section of the programme for the presentation of gifts to all those that had played a role in the development of the church and the nurturing of the congregation.

Everyone was invited to share a delicious meal where the youth from the mission joined hands with the mamas and Estcourt congregation in serving lunch and hosting the many people whom the Lord had brought to share the day. We parted ways with full hearts, and a challenge – to guard that which has been entrusted to us!

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