Philip Meyer

Great Thankfulness

WhatsApp Image 2020-10-14 at 06.28.09

It is with great thankfulness, and unashamed joy, that I look back at my 21 years living at KwaSizabantu Mission. So please bear with me if I try put in words a few of my experiences.

First and foremost, I would like to share the experiences I have had of the counselling that the Lord has so graciously given us. I have never ever, ever felt that my counsellor held anything against me which I brought to the light. I was never treated with partiality or ostracised because of my confession, including the most intimate things of my life. Yes, I have often been corrected and rebuked (less often than I deserved) but I have always gained from it.

For me the preaching on the Mission has not been, the "KwaSizabantu way" as some would say, but has rung true with my own experiences and that of countless others. The above average Christian life of purity, holiness and blamelessness that this world has lost is what has become all the more precious to me. Why should I leave in search of a peace I have already found here?

I have not known a life of fear as many (or a loud minority) claim the Mission to be. As early as I can remember we would play in all corners of the Mission, sometimes till late at night, feeling safer than most South African children would, even in broad daylight. When out of the Mission, I would be anxious until we were safely back home on the Mission premises.

What the Lord has done for me and my family, through his servant Rev. E. Stegen, is above what we could ever have imagined. I could name many instances, from a simple ice-cream, to dental and physio bills and many other unseen sacrifices that only God could reward but which only man can forget, a shame.

Philip Meyer

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