Clotère Ndzeng-Ndong

It Changed My Life for the Better

In 1999, when I was almost 21 years old, my father was appointed as a diplomat by our government to serve our country, Gabon, in South Africa. We came as a family to South Africa to live here. I was still a student.

The same year I received an opportunity to visit the mission, arriving from Pretoria where we lived. It was my first visit and it was during a Youth Conference. I was richly blessed to hear Uncle Erlo preaching the Gospel in such a clear, direct and simple way. I had never heard it like this before. I knew deep in my heart that it was the true Gospel.

Another thing that was amazing to me was to see the mission gathering thousands of young people together in order to share with them the Gospel. Transport, accommodation and food, all free of charge. It was the first time I witnessed something like that.

Another remarkable thing was to see different races and nationalities being together, united for the sake of Christ and the Gospel.

Through that experience the Lord spoke to me and He revealed my sins to me. I then felt to give my life to God and to repent of my sins.

After the conference I returned to Pretoria. In 2003 I had a deep desire to come back to the mission for another visit. When I came I was really blessed again and I felt the Lord calling me to become a missionary and stay to serve Him at KwaSizabantu, where I have now been living for more than 15 years.

The things I experienced here at the mission on my first visit are still happening. The gospel is preached in a clear way, people are convicted of their sins and are drawn to a living relationship with God.

I am not ashamed of Uncle Erlo and the gospel which I received through his ministry. It changed my life for the better.

I got married while here at the mission. God has blessed my wife and myself with two children. We are thankful to be part of the work and God's family. We feel up to know that this is the place where we should be, making a difference in life. Being part of a French-speaking group of people on the mission we also have the privilege to assist French-speaking people whenever they visit the mission.

On many occasions I have been able to share the gospel while visiting my own country, Europe and the Caribbean islands where my wife is from.

Clotère Ndzeng-Ndong
