Mozambique Outreach

Mozambique Outreach

A team from KwaSizabantu Mission went on a trip to Mozambique on 7 February 2022. They visited the Doctors for Life branch at Zavora and the congregation at Vilanculos in the Inhambane province.

One of the members of the group described the outreach:

It was a blessing to see how the Lord undertakes for those who are in His work. We experienced head wind all along which gave us hope that He wants to work and that there is blessing ahead. He gave guidance and strength for those that preached, translated, counselled and in the same manner for those that did the cooking.

There is a great spiritual need and the response to the services was amazing. Many people made peace with the Lord.

On another note, it is an eye opener to see the circumstances the people live in and how they cope with the very little they have. The people themselves are very friendly and I never felt unaccepted.

Thank you so much for all the prayers that carried us. The devil put up such a fierce battle, but God’s victory was great!