Nozipho Mazibuko

Ngize njengesoni esikhulu

Ngiyabingelela egameni lenkosi uJesu. Igama lami Nozipho Mazibuko.

Ngisindisiwe ngafika kwaSizabantu mission ngiyisoni esikhulu (lesbian & drugs). Ekhaya basebehlulekile imina. Ngifisa ukubonga ubaba umfundisi Stegen, KSB. Ngezifundiso ezangenza ngazana noJesu ngangingakwazi ukufunda ibhayibheli nokukhuleka kodwa abantwana bakaNkulunkulu bathi akukho okuzongisiza kumele ngifunde ibhayibheli lingamazwi okuphila, ukuthandaza kungamandla okuphila. Ngakwenza lokho kwangisebenzela kwathinta inhliziyo (James 5V16) (1 John1V9) (Joel 2V25).

Ngibonga angiphezi izisebenzi kuthe noma ekhaya osisi sebethi kumele ngiluke ekhanda lathi izwi (1 Peter 3V3) ngokungikhombisa indlela. Manje sengibeka nesinkwa sokudla ekhaya. Ngifisa ingapheli lendawo nginemindeni, izihlobo engifisa zizophuza kulomthombo engaphuza kuwo ngaphila.

Nozipho Mazibuko

I greet you in the name of Jesus. My name is Nozipho Mazibuko. 

I am saved, I came to Kwasizabantu Mission as a sinner (I was a lesbian and a drug addict). My family tried helping me with no success. I would like to thank Reverend EH Stegen and Kwasizabantu Mission for the teachings that led me to knowing Jesus. I did not know how to read the Bible and to pray but God’s children said it would be a great benefit to me if I learn to read my Bible and to pray because the Bible is the living word and praying is the power that gives life. I then read my Bible and prayed, and it touched my heart (James 5 vs 16) (1 John 1 Vs 9) (Joel 2 vs 25).

I am so thankful for God’s children. When my sisters at home said I should plait my hair, God’s word said (1 Peter 3 vs 3).  God’s children showed me the way and now I can put food on the table at home. I do not wish for this place to be closed because I have family and relatives that I wish would also come and drink from this fountain, that I drank from and received life.

Nozipho Mazibuko