
Cry out to God

Deutsch Français Deutsch Audio Français Audio Welcome to everyone who has braved the cold weather to join in this service, as well as everyone who is listening in. The portion of Scripture for today includes three people. Firstly, a prophet of God who was fearless even when faced with death or…

What more could have been done?

Audio Service: Listen in English/Zulu Listen in French – Traduction Française Listen in German – Deutsche Übersetzung Video Service: View on live streaming in English/Zulu View on live streaming in French View on live streaming in German Testimony of CYPSA member Kevin Jacobs Listen in English/Zulu Listen in French – Traduction Française Listen in German…

Beware of False Prophets

Service:     Traduction Française     Deutsche Übersetzung     View on live streaming Testimony of Keagan in English/isiZulu Testimony of Keagan in French Testimony of Keagan in German Introduction Michael Ngubane We welcome everyone but a special welcome to Aunty Pat from the USA. We are so happy to be with her. It was on her heart…

The right heart

Traduction Française     Deutsche Übersetzung     View on live streaming Introduction Detlef Stegen We thank the Lord that we can gather this morning. May it be a time where we can experience the Lord speaking to our hearts. It is wonderful to be part of the church and what God is doing. No one is excluded. See…

Saved from sin

Sunday service, Detlef Stegen, 29 April 2018 Luke 5:17-25 17 And it came about that on one of these days he was teaching; and some Pharisees and teachers of the law were seated there, who had come from every town of Galilee and Judaea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was with…

Our risen Lord

Sunday service, Erlo Stegen, 01 April 2018 1Cor 10:16,17,19 16 The cup of blessing which we take, does it not give us a part in the blood of Christ? and is not the broken bread a taking part in the body of Christ? 17 Because we, being a number of persons, are one bread, we…