Dana Manescu

Taught to Follow Him with a Pure Heart

Hello, my name is Dana and I would like to share with you my experience with Kwasizabantu Mission.

I used to be part of a Christian church and used to be considered a good Christian, but I knew there were many hidden sins in my life and this really troubled me a lot. I remember going to sleep crying for the bad things in my life and asking forgiveness to the Lord but the next day I would start all over again with the same jealousies, envies, gossiping and dirtiness.

When I have first met a person from Kwasizabantu Mission, my life was so empty, I had no purpose anymore. Meeting people from the mission really amazed me, I realized there really exist true Christians, and they shared with me  a great secret, that is counselling: if there are hidden sins you can’t get rid of, go to a spiritual person and take it all out. That brought me back my freedom; that brought me back near my Lord.

I was very impressed by the Kwasizabantu youth. I was then about 20 years old and I could see purity in the youth. I remember looking at the girls from the Mission choir and thinking: wow they really do not spend their whole day thinking about boys. I could see it on their faces.

I was also very impressed by the married couples. In my church I used to be part of a group with many young married couples who were arguing, quarrelling and complaining about each other. Then I saw the couples from the mission and I were amazed to see so much love, understanding and respect. It was something new and beautiful for me. I was longing for such a life.

Now I have been living within the Romanian Kwasizabantu Mission for almost 12 years.  They have been the most beautiful years of my life.

I am thankful to the Lord for having met Kwasizabantu Mission, it taught me to follow Him with a pure heart.

Dana Manescu