Visits to Schools
Since February, over 200 schools have been visited by the youth and co-workers of the mission.
The schools are mostly in rural areas and face many socio-economic challenges such as poverty, teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, bullying and the fact that many learners are orphaned. One learner shared that he was heading a household and sold drugs to earn a living for his siblings. The teams were able to bring a message of hope and instruction from God’s Word and the glad tidings of Christ’s salvation to all. Many opened their hearts to the invitation.
The visits were well received and principals expressed their appreciation for this initiative. Some of their quotes are:
“It was very positive and they [the learners] were on their best behaviour... It was so motivating having you at the school.”
“Our learners come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Some are affected by the fact that they do not live with parents… it has been a great pleasure to be visited.”
“The service offered will influence learners’ behaviour and conduct”.
“We have learners who are struggling in learning because of their background… I will be happy if you visit the school every term.”
“The school was very happy to see that somebody out there is caring about what is happening in schools especially in these trying days. We really appreciate the involvement of the community in teaching and learning… we would appreciate if this partnership that has started to continue.”
“We request the team to come again… good intervention, need more visits. The visit was fruitful. A well-presented talk. Very interactive, which was a great benefit for the learners.”
These are only a few gleaned from an overwhelming positive response from the principals. There is a great need for the gospel and it is our prayer that many more young people are reached and receive hope for the future.