Events & News (Page 12)

Lettuce and new Hydroponic Hothouse

Lettuce and new hothouse This new hothouse covers 2 hectares of hydroponically grown bell peppers. All together we have of hothouses. The hydroponic system excludes insecticides. Instead, we have been successfully using certain non-propagating insects from the Netherlands that eat our South African insects. So, the “carnivores” eat the “vegetarians”! The “wetwall” photo is…


A brief description of the revival among the Zulus and the history of Kwasizabantu Mission. This story is told in Zulu by the founder and director, Rev Erlo Stegen. Has English subtitles.

Easter Services 2016

From 25 to 27 March 2016 there will be special Easter Services at Kwasizabantu Mission. All invited. They start Friday evening and end with the Sunday morning Resurrection service.

About 25 children at a time were called to fetch food. 10kg of flour, beans, sugar, tea and more

Feeding orphans – 7 December 2015

Whenever possible, we try to feed and clothe orphans not far from the mission. More than 2000 children have been registered as orphans, mostly because of the HIV / Aids crisis in South Africa. When the parents die there is usually a granny or aunt who is willing to look after the orphaned children. We…