Filled with Gratitude
My heart is filled with gratitude towards the Lord, Uncle Erlo and the mission.
I have had the great privilege of being part of the mission from a very young age. I attended youth services from when they started in 1974 and regularly visited the mission and attended other services there. I stayed at the mission for the last four years of my school career and attended school in a nearby town. I have happy memories of my childhood years at the mission and my heart overflows with thankfulness.
Later I taught at the mission school for just short of 26 years. I had the privilege of being part of a wonderful team of staff members. I loved the school children and also had the honour of teaching and working with some of the young men who had been set free from their drug addictions and their lives of crime. I have fond memories of the dear people living and working at Kwasizabantu. A number of years after my first husband passed away, I remarried and the Lord called me to Namibia. It was not an easy thing to leave the mission and people I love so much, but I thank and praise the Lord that my husband loves the mission, the revival message and the people of the mission, just as I do.
The message that has been preached at the mission all these years is a message that brings life. It is a message that teaches one to die to self and cleanse oneself from sin; a message that emphasises the importance of a holy life. I thank God for His great love and His grace. I thank Him for what He has done for me through the preaching and teaching at the mission. I thank Him for the example we have in Uncle Erlo; his selfless life, his humility and love and his staying true to the Lord all these years. Furthermore, I thank the Lord for the co-workers at the mission whom we also love dearly.
I pray that the Lord would continue to be glorified through the work at Kwasizabantu and that many more people would come to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and be set free from their lives of sin, thereby receiving new hope in this life and for the life to come.
We are praying much for Uncle Erlo, the co-workers and for the Lord’s work and we pray that the truth will come out and prevail, in this time where so much slander is spread.