I Am Grateful

Greetings to all. I am Sithembiso Ntuli, the iNkosi of the Ntuli tribe, and am from Soyaya Eshowe Mbongolwane.

I would like to pass on my words on behalf of the Ntuli tribe. We are not happy about what is being said about Kwasizabantu Mission. We hear that there are certain people who are opposing the mission, they are fighting with “Mkhulu” (Grandfather) Reverend Erlo Stegen. This is a shock to us as the Ntuli tribe because as far as we know, Reverend Erlo Stegen together with the mission are a great help to the community.

I will mention a few things that the mission has helped us with. When families lose their loved ones and do not have sufficient funds to pay for the funeral, Reverend Stegen and Kwasizabantu mission are always there to lend a hand, giving freely and not seeking be paid back. They give so that the family is able to have a decent funeral. They help anyone, not just those who attend their church. I would also like to mention the job opportunities that the mission has created, more than 3 000 people work there, if I’m not mistaken. These people can now place food on the table for their families because of Kwasizabantu mission and Reverend Stegen. There is a lot, a lot, I cannot mention all. Another point which the mission helps with, is fetching and transporting the deceased from the mortuary to homes, for different families. They do this free of charge.

On behalf of the Ntuli tribe, we are very sad of what we are hearing concerning Kwasizabantu Mission and Reverend Stegen, that they are now being troubled in this way.  The boycotting of aQuellé is sad news to all of us because we know how delicious aQuellé is. This hurts us because we know that aQuellé is produced at Kwasizabantu, it is sad to us as aQuellé supporters and customers and all the other products produced at the mission. On behalf of the tribe, we urge the people to stop this as it is going to have a bad effect on the tribe and not just our tribe, but also our neighbouring tribes and other places.

The mission is a great help as I have mentioned some points and so we plead with the people to stop this terrible thing. Let us work together, so that the mission will continue to work and produce all the products. I am grateful.

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