KSB Mission, an unusual place

Yes indeed, Kwasizabantu Mission is an UNUSUAL place for so many reasons, here are a few:

  • A place where the ENTIRE word of God is preached, even the things in the Bible which make us uncomfortable, like for example that “it is appointed and destined for all men to die once and after this comes certain judgment” or that unconfessed sins prevent us from having full fellowship with God,
    When most people today in our society don’t want to hear the truth but rather prefer to listen to “teachers who say what their itching ears want to hear and what suits their own desires”.
  • A place where everyone in need is accepted and treated equally,
    When many people today in our society are still treated depending on their race, age, origins or social status
  • A place where those who come from the streets are fed and taken care of for FREE,
    When many people today in our society think they have done enough when they give some change to the needy at the traffic light
  • A place where people are willing to spend countless hours to listen and counsel those in need for FREE,
    When many people today in our society want to get paid to listen to other people’s problems
  • A place where people are willing to forsake their professions or careers because they want to further the spreading of the Gospel’s message,
    When most people today in our society want the best positions, honors from others and as much money as they can make even if it means using corruption, inflated tenders or taking advantage of others
  • A place where people seek to do GOD’S WILL in every aspect of their lives, even for their choice of spouse,
    When most people today in our society either don’t marry anymore or just follow their own passion and lust, relabelled as “Romantic love”By the way, what is more romantic?
    To be able to say to your bride on your wedding day that she’s “the first one you hold hand”
    that’s he/she is actually the third, fifth or maybe the hundredth one…

    By the way, what is more beautiful?
    To go nowhere and stick by your spouse’s side when he/she becomes ill with cancer or paralyzed in a car accident because you are certain it is God who wanted you to marry this person
    To run away or divorce as soon as you face a difficulty in your marriage, or whenever he/she doesn’t “suit” you anymore and you don’t “feel” love anymore…

These are some of the reasons why many of us love KSB and the people there. This is also what attracted us to come for initially a 6-month visit in 2015 and ended up staying for now 5 years…!! Not because we were ‘forced’ but because we could witness people who have this standard of life and therefore make this place UNUSUAL…

Jeremy Jaegle

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