Graduation of College Students 2018

21st CCE Graduation Ceremony

On the 24th March, Cedar College of Education held their 21st graduation ceremony at the Kwasizabantu auditorium. 14 students from various countries including South Africa, France, Germany, Switzerland and South Korea, received their Bachelor’s Degree in Education, two in Foundation Phase and 12 in Senior & FET Phase. A total of six distinctions were awarded during the ceremony. After Rev Michael Ngubane opened in prayer, the CCE choir sang two songs. Though Rev EH Stegen himself could not be there, he submitted his message which was read by Dr Vermaak . The message to the graduates and all present was as follows: “Guard (keep) what was committed to your trust”, 1 Timothy 6:20. God has entrusted you with much which can be likened to 10 silver coins, watch out that you do not lose a single coin. And if you have lost one, leave everything you have and search for it as in the parable of the woman and her 10 coins. Plead for God’s grace until you have all 10 silver coins back in your possession otherwise you may become callous and lose many more as the first one was not important enough to you to retrieve.

This message was followed by the speech of the guest speaker, Prof Daryl Balia (Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor). He reminded us that God has a plan for our lives and we should strive to be in that plan. We need to go out as workers reaping the harvest. After his encouraging speech, the graduates were awarded their qualifications, accompanied with much enthusiasm from family and friends. The evening was concluded with a word of thanks from a father of one of the graduates on behalf of the parents, followed by an item by the DSS brass band and a closing prayer.

We would like to thank the Lord for His ever-present help and guidance in helping the graduates complete their 4 years of study. We also thank the Lord for keeping CCE for so many years

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