May God’s Light Shine
Dear Brethren,
I have learnt with sadness what the enemy of the Cross is doing against KSB mission.
I’m praying with you that the Lord will show you the door of escape and the mouth of the accuser is shut down.
On a number of times that I have visited KSB for spiritual retreat, I have spent times with a number of black and white South Africans who shared testimonies of God transforming them at KSB. They added that KSB was also helping some of them to fit into society again. As an outsider, my prayer is that the Lord could give us the grace to help people here in Zambia as KSB is doing to South Africans. I thank God for KSB mission which helps people holistically.
May God’s light shine more on KSB.
In the Lord,
Pastor Konsolo Ephraim Chinyama