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Twenty Twenty
Lynne Kibble:
2020 was different to any year before, Covid and accusations came to the fore
KSB Mission, an unusual place
Jeremy Jaegle:
Yes indeed, Kwasizabantu Mission is an UNUSUAL place for so many reasons, here are a few.
I Am Grateful
iNkosi Ntuli:
Reverend Stegen and Kwasizabantu Mission are always there to lend a hand, giving freely and not seeking be paid back.
A Tale of Two Missions
Jakobus de Wet:
I have known the one mission for 35 years, and the media has presented me with the other only recently.
Danke Liebe Mission Kwasizabantu
Karoline Rindisbacher-Koller:
Ich danke der Mission von ganzem Herzen, dass sie nie vergessen hat, was ihre Berufung ist.
I Love the Mission
Martha Meyer:
On 14 October the Media came to the Mission. Now, since they did not ask me to tell them about the school and the Mission I will speak for myself and of my own experience.