“The voice of One calling” – “Izwi Lomemezayo” -December 2015 Youth Conference
The theme is particularly appropriate because there is a myriad of voices calling young people in the world today. Peer pressure, porn, social media, satanism, to name just a few. But above all, we pray that the thousands of young people attending this conference will hear the voice of God calling. We will be pointing the children and teens to the Word of God which is the most important voice for them to hear in this generation. You can follow the conference services videos on Livestream.(if you don’t have an account with Livestream, which is free, then go to Livestream.com) You can not only watch live but those you missed are there for 2 weeks.
Services continue for the next 2 or 3 days as children get transported back home, some have to travel for hundreds of kilometres. Thank you to all those who have prayed and we ask that you will continue to do so as most of these children are from difficult areas, some are orphans and many are surrounded by all manner of sin and perversion. May the Lord’s grace grant that many will stand for Him and be a light to others.
7pm: Rev Stegen’s last service for the Conference was on Is 40: 3-5. He spoke on this text’s recipe for personal revival.
16 Dec: Sports morning and afternoon. Soccer, netball and volleyball competitions with prizes.
7pm: Rev Erlo Stegen speaking from Mk 1:1: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” He spoke of the meaning of the names of Jesus and what the Gospel means. In Him, who is fully God and fully man, our salvation has been wrought.
3pm: Doctors for Life will speak on other topics.
15 Dec 10am: Dr Albu van Eeden spoke for DFL on homosexuality.
7pm: CYPSA sharing about their work and inviting children to ask for teams to come to their schools.
3pm: Straight talk with girls and boys separately
Monday, 14th Dec, 10am: Presentation by CYPSA (Concerned Young People of South Africal).
7pm: Play by FAST: “Broken Promise” A beautifully presented play about a young man who forsook his promise which is a true story.
3pm: Message by Ntokozo Nhlabathi.
Sunday, 13 Dec, 11am: Rev Erlo Stegen preaches.
7pm: Michael Ngubane sermon on Genesis 3. Adam and Eve listened to the wrong voice – the consequences and the cure.
3pm: A presentation by Kjell on “social media”.
Saturday, 12 Dec, 10am: A service pointing out that without Christ we have no hope. That is why, with receiving Christ into our hearts, we can celebrate Christmas every day of our lives. If He comes into a life, the whole life changes
7pm: Rev Erlo Stegen spoke from the Bible quoting verses of Jesus speaking about the dangers of hell. After that a film was shown called “The Burning Hell”.
3pm: Testimonies of those who were here at the previous Youth Conference.
Friday, 11 Dec, 10am: Mr Joe Newlands:
Thursday, 10 Dec, 7pm: Mr Heino Stegen: The example of Joseph was held before the audience. His whole life was a sermon. The text was from Gen 39 and some verses were read till the end of Genesis.
Children arriving and going to accommodation:
Children playing and getting registered:
Getting theme graphic ready: