We Stand in Wonder
Please know that our support and prayers are behind you. We stand with you as one.
We are so thankful for what the Lord has done for us and for our marriage through the message of revival and redemption at the mission. We stand in wonder and amazement that God should so love such as we, that He went to the length of sending His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to pay the absolute price of the most cruel pain and death for us.
We knew it once in theory, but it became so real to us through what God showed us at and through the mission.
How can we thank God enough for Rev. Erlo Stegen and what God called him and his co-workers to do. They have been such examples to us, urging us to live wholeheartedly for Christ.
Many thanks, and God’s continued favour upon the work and each of your lives.
Always best wishes,
Margot and Ross Brownrigg