We Shall Keep the Mission in Our Prayers
Rev Elliot Masoka:
I don’t listen to the negativity, I know KwaSizabantu from my own personal journey.
Rev Elliot Masoka:
I don’t listen to the negativity, I know KwaSizabantu from my own personal journey.
Arnold Mbeje:
The devil and his forces are at work in attempt to destroy God’s Work. These forces have been at it for as long as we can remember.
Pstr. Bhekizizwe Jerome Ngidi:
Stay calm as I have no doubt that God has ordained KSB Missions for His only name to be glorified.
Klaus und Lotti Wunderlich:
Wir dienen durch Gottes Gnade dem lebendigen Gott, der uns stark macht durch Jesus Christus, unseren Herrn.
Gerhard le Roux:
The main “leg” that the mission stands on is in my opinion neither one of the two, but rather obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Reverend Raphael Bahebwa Kabambire:
We are assuring you that we are praying for the work.
Gerhard & Elmane le Roux:
We can only honour Uncle Erlo for all that he meant for us and God’s Kingdom over the years.
Tamara Dhilram:
In times of hardship, I would visit the Mission and found peace.
Mr V.R. Luthuli:
Sithi qhubeka nosizo lkwakho lokondla izimpabanga ngisho sebekuthuka nganoma iyiphi inhlamba.
Stefan Roos:
The world is changing and the exercise of discernment is vitally necessary today.
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