Testimony (Page 27)

Jacques Joubert

Over 40 years of Knowing KwaSizabantu Mission

I grew up in Johannesburg and saw how my parents and family were greatly helped through the preaching of reverend Stegen who used to be invited to come and preach at a yearly Church conference. Over the years many passed through my parents’ home visiting from KwaSizabantu Mission, on occasions more then 40 at a…

I Love this Work of God

I thank the Lord for this opportunity to testify. It was in grade 10 at a youth camp that I met with the Lord. We were a little group that was very rebellious, and full of ourselves. Confession of sin and restitution was the two pillars of the camp. Back at school we were so…

Elona Engelbrecht

Filled with Joy

I have been living and working on the Mission for almost a year which is so to say a dream come true as I had been wanting to be a part of missionary work since I was a young girl. It was so special how so many people who are part of the congregation were…

It Turned My Life Around

When I met a group of students in Port Elizabeth in the early eighties, I knew they had something that I needed in my life. Peace. They attended a week of meetings at the University of Port Elizabeth where Reverend Erlo Stegen was the main speaker. He shared about the Revival of 1966. Many of…

Sandile Radebe

Keep it up DSS!

I would like to thank the principal and the staff of this KwaSizabantu Mission school for the quality education and a safe place they provide for our children. I have had four children (two sons and two daughters) who matriculated at DSS. This year two of my sons are proudly DSS students. They have been…

Sharon Combrink

So Very Thankful

I grew up at KwaSizabantu Mission and attended Domino Servite School. I am now married, have 3 delightful children and am privileged to work at aQuellé. Words truly fail to describe how thankful I am to have grown up here and that my children can do the same. They have so many friends and are…