Posts from November 2020

Lydia Vrey

I Thank the Lord for His Grace

My name is Lydia Vrey. I had the wonderful privilege of being the daughter of a father that had a great resemblance of the Lord Jesus, because of his outstanding gentle disposition and a mother that can pray. Their love for the Lord became part of me and as a 9-year-old little girl, I decided…

What Would Have Become of Me?

I heard about KwaSizabantu Mission for the first time in the early 90’s. They preached the truths of God, I repented, and I confessed my sins. Before I met with the Lord there was no peace in my family, I was a drunkard, I was disrespectful to my husband. I tried stop drinking, to be…

Ben Radebe

Udumo Malube kuNkulunkulu

Siyambonga uNkulunkulu owasiholela kule ndawo Ekhaya kuse Mzimkhulu. Ngangingakaze ngizwe ngemishini yakwa Sizabantu. Ubaba uDahl nowakwakhe eHarding babefuna ibhasi elalizoletha abazalwane bakwa Sizabantu kule mission eseKranskop. Nganginebhasi elincane elilayisha 22 wabantu ngaleso sikhathi. Baliqasha, kwakungo Septemba ka 2007. Umshayeli walo washonelwa isihlobo sakhe kuzona lezo zintsuku futhi kwakuzongcwatshwa kuyona leyo mpelasonto. Ngaphoqeleka ukuba ngizishayelele mina…

Beatrice McGill

The Gospel I had Been Longing For

Early in my matric year, one of the school boys had an accident and we had to attend his funeral as the matric class. At the grave, I felt so convicted, knowing that if it had been me, I wouldn’t have been able to stand before the Lord. The Lord was showing me my heart…

The Lord who Heals

I met with the Lord and I visited Mission KwaSizabantu. From the beginning I have seen peace and love among the people of KwaSizabantu. I didn’t see any racial discrimination at that place they treat everybody the same way, they treat people very well you feel at home at that place. Before I got converted,…

Nina Gideon

Wie Frisches Wasser

Ich heiße Nina Gideon und komme ursprünglich aus Russland. Seit 23 Jahren lebe ich in Deutschland. Bereits in Russland habe ich Botschaften aus der Erweckung in Südafrika gehört. Ich erinnere mich, wie ich von der Reinheit vor der Ehe gehört habe. Ich war vom Gehörten so angetan und angesprochen, dass ich auch so leben ;

Bheki Memela


Sanibonani Mina ngiwu Bheki Memela. Mina yilokhu engisizakale ngakho KwaSizabantu, bengintshontsha langisebenza khona, nginamanga, ngiqonyiwe ngishadile, futhi bengithanda ukulwa noma impi. Insindiso itholakale ngoMawami eyithola kwaSizabantu, kwasindiswa osisi bami, ubaba wami, saganwa kwasizakala nomkethu. Siyabonga ngoba sinengane efunda khona futhi siyazibona izithelo zeVangeli. Good day, I am Bheki Memela and this is how KwaSizabantu Mission…

Cristina Paidel

It is wonderful!

My name is Cristina, I am 23 years old and I have been living at the mission in Voiteg, Romania for the last three years. Before I came here, I did not believe in God and I was very disappointed with my life. In the past, I used to use drugs and I was a…